WooSan: 17

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"There he is." said Yunho as he saw Wooyoung was sitting alone at the stairs, looking at his phone.

"Hey Woo, are you okay?" asked Yunho while sitting next to Wooyoung.

Wooyoung nodded slowly.

"Here. I bought tea for you." said Mingi handed him a cup of iced tea.

"Thanks." Wooyoung said. He sipped the tea straight away.

"So.... What are you gonna do?" asked Yunho.

"Like I told you."

"Honestly Woo, I don't understand you either. Why do you enduring this pain?" asked Mingi raising his eyebrows at Wooyoung's.

"What are you talking about? I'm not in pain."

"If only you don't love your boyfriend you won't feel the hurt. But...." Yunho turned Wooyoung's head to face him, "Judging from your dark circles.... I don't think you're not in pain. Unless... There were an angel sang you a lullaby last night?"

"Angel, my ass. Nosy."

"Wooyoung!" They turned around, saw Seoho and Keonhee were running towards them.

"You're here. We're looking for you." said Seoho gasping.

"What? Whr are you looking for me?"

"Nahh. Did you fight with San again?" asked Keonhee.
Seoho hit Keonhee on the head, "Don't be nosy." Keonhee rubbed his head, "What?? I'm just asking."

"No. I didn't fight with anyone. Why?"

Seoho chuckled, "Well... we met Youngjo at the cafe. You know Youngjo? He's San older brother. He's looking for someone named Wooyoung."

Keonhee modded furiously agree with Seoho. "Right. I think he has something to talk to you."

Wooyoung nodded, "I will go and see him. Where is he again?"

"At the cafe. Our building's cafe." replied Seoho.

Wooyoung nodded again. He turned at Mingi and Yunho, "I'll be right back." Yunho and Mingi nodded in time.

"Hey you two. Is it true that WooSan doesn't fight? If not, why didn't San go to class this week?" asked Keonhee curiously.

"Huh? San didn't come to class? The whole week?" asked Yunho.

Keonhee and Seoho nodded furiously in time, "Ergh. That's why I'm asking if they're fighting or what.* said Seoho.

"They moved off campus  together... I thought they're boyfriends." said Keonhee.

"That's right. They were boyfriends but they broke up already." realizing he'd just revealed Wooyoung's secret, Mingi instantly covered his mouth with his palm.

Keonhee eyea widened, "Are you serious, Mingi? They're couple for real??"

Mingi sighed. Since he already revealed the secret, he has to answer the questions. "Ergh. They were couple but now they're not."

Yunho shook his head right away, "You're really not a good secret keeper." he said slowly.

That's make Keonhee face turned sad, "Ahh... Why not? They're compatible."

Again, Seoho knocked his head, "Why the hell woth you? They're compatible just in your sight. If they are, they wouldn't break up.*

Yunho smiled looking at the two of them, "If they're not compatible, then.... I think you two are." Mingi smiled looking at Seoho and Keonhee.

✔️ WσσSαɳ: BE MINE (18+)Where stories live. Discover now