WooSan: 13

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"San!" Jongho raised his hands and waved for San. "Come, sit here."

San ignored Jongho, instead walking towards Seonghwa.

"Seonghwa." he called.

Seonghwa who was chatting with his friend, ignored San and kept talked to his friend.

"I have a request." said San.

"I have nothing to talk to you." replied Seonghwa without turning his gaze at San.

San sighed, "It's about Yeosang."

In the sound of Yeosang's name, Seonghwa blinked once. He automatically remembered the day Yeosang was trying to commit suicide.

He got up and walked closer to San. He glared at San sharply.

"I'm not trying to start a fight. But Yeosang called me the other day."

Seonghwa pulled him by his collar, "Stop messing with him!"

Jongho eyes widened, "Shit..." he got up and approached both of San and Seonghwa.

He stood in the middle between San and Seonghwa— preventing a fight. "Calm down. Both of you."

San took out his phone, "Is this... his new phone number?" asked San pointing his phone screen at Seonghwa.

"Why do you keep in touch with him?"

"I don't. He called me."

"I don't believe you. He will never get involved with a scumbag like you."

"Take it easy, Seonghwa. We're in the class." said Jongho when Seonghwa was about to punch San.

"Seonghwa. I'm begging you. Let's talk outside."

Seonghwa glanced at Jonghp. He sighed. "Fine."

Outside the class: Rooftop

"I don't understand what he saw in you before. But I don't believe it!" said Seonghwa holding San by his collar.

"Believe what you want. But I really need to talk to him."

"No way! I won't let him meet you ever again. Isn't it enough what you have done to him all this time? Even until now. You only hurt him."

"I don't know.. what he said to you that you hate me so much. But I swear. I never hurt him. And one more thing you mustn't know. Yeosang wanted me back."

The argument was intense when Seonghwa's fist stuck on San's cheek. Hard. "Shut the fuck up, I don't believe you!"

San frowned looking at Seonghwa in front of him. He wiped the blood on his lips.

Seonghwa pulled and held San by his collar, "You don't have the slightest idea, San.. what Yeosang's been through all this time. He wouldn't eat... wouldn't sleep... and wouldn't go to class. I have to take him to psychiatrist. Don't think that your face and your gentleness as a boyfriend can fool Yeosang again. I will never let it happen!" he released the grip.

Tears began to fell down to the cheeks, "And do you know, San... How much pain I've had to endure to see Yeosang getting hurt by someone like you?"

San stared at Seonghwa in guilty, "Don't tell me...."

"It's none of your business! You should be grateful I'm still being nice to you that I didn't kill you. Stay away from him!"

San gasped seeing Seonghwa walked away. He's distracted. Clueless of what to do. But he never hurt anyone. Not even Yeosang.

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