WooSan: 02

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"Dad, why didn't you tell me you were coming to Seoul? And now you want to see me just before you leave? I'm outside right now." Wooyoung said from the line walking towards the parking lot.

"What? I told you I was coming to see you. Besides, I want to meet your friend."

"You said you were going back to Jeju, not stopping by here."

"It's the same thing. We won't see each other for four months. At least let me say goodbye to my little prince."

"You can always skip work, dad." Wooyoung said smiling, teasing his dad.

"Wohohoii... Your mom will chop my head off if I do that."

"Go talk to mom about it. Tell her to drive safely. Bye." — the call ended.

San narrowed his eyes staring at Wooyoung. "Your dad is missing his "Lil' Woo" again?" teasing him.

"Bastard." Wooyoung said frowning.

"Is your dad... coming to see you?"

Wooyoung nodded. "Erm. My aunt's in the hospital. But she's gotten better, so my parents will leave Seoul today. Actually... he wanted to see you."

Starled, San frowned confused, "Huh?"

"Don't make that face. He just wants to meet my roommate."

San nodded understanding smiling.

"Do you  seriously think I'd tell him we're together?"

The smile on his face faded. He blinked once, startled, San froze upset.

"I was hoping...... for the impossible."

Wooyoung flustered in guilt. "I'm sorry...."

"About what?" San raised an eyebrow.

"About something that need to be kept secret forever."

"I already knew that. You'll never tell anyone."

Wooyoung frowned uneasy. "Why are you mad at me? Does it matter if we tell others people about our relationship or not?"

"It may not matter to you. But to me... it does. "

Wooyoung sighed slowly clueless.

"I just want to let people know you're mine. That's all." San said sorrowful.

He turned, walked slowly get into his car.

Wooyoung sighed that everything was wrong, but he wasn't ready' for their relationship to be blown up.


"Here..." San handed the menu to Wooyoung. "I'll let you order. You want to eat here, don't you?"

Wooyoung smiled taking the menu from San.

"I'll have the sashimi set, spicy salmon salad, and... tuna sushi and rolls, two each. You want rice?" he looked at San and the clueless San hesitated to respond.

"On second thought, rice makes you full faster. I'll only have two miso soups." he looked at San again, raising his eyebrows. "What about you?"

San grinned pointless. "You'll only ordered raw dishes." he looked at the waitress. "I'll have grilled mackerel."

"One grilled mackerel?"

San nodded. "Yeah, that's it." he returned the menu to the waitress.

Wooyoung narrowed his eyes at San. "Hey, I'm not finished yet."

✔️ WσσSαɳ: BE MINE (18+)Where stories live. Discover now