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Tony will stop at nothing to convince Peter to come back. He doesn't care about what he's done, he knows that Peter is a good person at heart. He's the defeater of Thanos, but now it's time for his hardest task yet. Saving his son before it's too late.

Tony was prepared to find Peter. He was not prepared to see the One-Eyed Pirate getting threatened by Peter. If Peter wasn't planning to kill Fury, Tony would've laughed, still, Tony's never gonna let Fury live down that he was beat by a child. It still took him a good few seconds to actually try to help the one-eyed pirate.

"Hey Pete, it's been awhile." He said softly, the helmet of his nanotech suit crawling off his face. "How long has it been? A few months?"

It was silent for a few moments before Peter finally responded.

"Hello Mr. Stark." He responded, the blunt sound of his voice worrying Tony. But inside in his eyes, hidden deep behind those dark brown irises, was a glimmer of hope, of joy to see his old mentor and father figure.

"I get the one-eyed pirate here is annoying, but I feel like killing him is a stretch." Tony joked. "We can think up revenge pranks later, how's that sound?"

To say that wasn't tempting would be a lie. Deep down, Peter longed to be back with Tony, to be able to have movie nights with him. To be with his friends, Ned, Harry, and MJ. To be able to watch Star Wars with Ned. To be able to do him and Harry's annual bad movie marathon. To be able to talk with MJ about life while she just smirks and calls him a loser. He wanted to go back more than anything in the world, even if he tried to deny it.

Peter hesitated, remembering what his Uncle Ben told him.

With great power comes great responsibility Pete, always remember that.

He hadn't thought about that saying in forever. He has power, he had responsibilities. Responsibilities he's been dodging, well, more like avoiding. That's when he decided, he's not Ghost Spider. He's not just a pawn in someones chess game.

He should've realized this sooner. How did he just happen to stumble upon the information at HYDRA? Or was he supposed to find it? This was all a set-up, Peter realized suddenly.

He let Fury go and jumped onto the ceiling. He decided at that moment that he wasn't going to play the game, wasn't going to be controlled. He's Spider-Man, but more importantly, He's Peter Parker, a student at Midtown high.

He released from the ceiling, landing infront of Tony, who opened his arms out for a hug.

"Welcome back Underoos." Tony smiled.

Peter took his suit off, smiling back for the first time in awhile, and accepted the invite, crashing into Tony.

"Oof-" Tony cried. "Not the ribs, kiddo, I need those to survive."

Peter laughed before letting him go.

After Peter finally realized he was being played, he felt lighter, less constricted. He felt much better. He also felt extremely tired, deciding to go to sleep, with Tony still smiling at him from above him.

Tony will stop at nothing to convince Peter to come back. He doesn't care about what he's done, he knows that Peter is a good person at heart. He's the defeater of Thanos, but now it's time for his hardest task yet. Saving his son before it's too late.


"Jeez Pipes, I told you I'm fine!" Leo exclaimed as Piper started to bombard him with questions.

"You got electrocuted, why wouldn't I be concerned!?" Piper asked, glaring at Leo.

"You can't go off getting yourself electrocuted!" Hazel cried. "You've already died once, I am not letting you die again."

"I don't need to more Mother's, thanks." Leo groaned aloud, causing both Hazel and Piper to smirk at eachother.

"Your so screwed Leo." Frank decided, knowing he had no change of stopping the two females.

"I know that Frank!" Leo muttered.

Percy couldn't help but laugh at that comment.

Is this really the end, or just the beginning of something more?

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