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No. Any information about being struck by lightning I found on this website:


He's smarter than they thought. Not only that, they're both the same age, so that means they kinda think the same. When GhostSpider comes in, there's a suprise waiting for him.

He walked into the Tower after finding the powerbox and destroying it. Though, he didn't know about the people inside, prepared for him. Touching the button on his webshooters, he disappeared.

He snuck by Rhodey and Steve, resisting the urge to attack them. He made sure to crawl on the ceiling after leaving them behind, but he didn't expect what happened next.

"Wassap bro?" A voice rang from around the room. "How ya doin'?"

He jumped off the roof, muttering something.

"Karen." He muttered, almost inaudible. "Scan where they're speaking from."

"Hey, chill out! No need to get violent!"

His Spider-Sense went off and he webbed an incoming device into the wall, one that was similar to the multiple extra legs in his Suit, it was what looked like a Nanotech watch.

Now, the plan the Avengers had was a simple, almost flawless plan. The problem? Tony only new how Peter's suit worked from when he made it, he wasn't aware of the small edits Peter made in his webshooters, Or in the suit. That messed up their plan almost immediately.

See, the room that Leo had trapped Peter in was a room that was basically covered in motion sensors, considering that's really the only way you can find Peter when he's invisible. This room has little gadgets all over to help them. Leo himself is in another room with a few other people, Bruce, Tony, and Clint. To be able to use the gadgets in the room and see the motion sensors, he has a controller he fashioned out of a Nintendo to be able to see the room and where Peter is using the motion sensors. To be able to speak through it and hear, he has headphones, similar to gaming headphones, plugged into the controller.

Now to the problem. Peter has the classic web grenade in his webshooters, but for extra help, he has a few other types of grenades. One being a Shockwave grenade. This is meant to basically send a high amount of electricity into the tech, frying the circuit. And if the person on the other side of the tech is unlucky, they could get shocked by the electric current. And GhostSpider knows it.

He flicks his hand and he can see all the webshooter combinations and extra items in a small scrollable list through his mask. He makes his choice and shoots something at the wall.

Meanwhile, Tony and Bruce are working on getting the lights and FRIDAY back online using the backup generator while Leo distracts Peter. Clint, on the other hand, is just sitting on a chair because he has absolutely no idea what the tech nerds are talking about and doing.

Normal items that can shock you in household items, like electrical outlets or maybe a powerline, have low voltage compared to a lightning strike. A power outlet is only 110 volts, a high voltage powerline would be 100,000 volts, and a strike of lightning is known to be 10 million volts. And the Temperature of a lightning bolt can get as high as 30,000 degrees on what we call the Kevin scale. The shock from the grenade Peter used isn't as strong as a lightning bolt, but it's definitely close, and could definitely kill someone.

"What the- ¡Mierda!" Everyone suddenly hears a voice yell. But before they could do anything, the controller is fried and Leo collapsed.

The other three have no idea what happened, but Bruce immediately runs over to check on the unconscious kid. In that time span, Tony grabs the controller and headphones to examine to find out what happened. With further examination, he finds out a shock was sent through the controller, from the room, and hit the kid.

This makes them realize that Peter isn't in the room anymore. Clint runs out to warn the others while the other two run to medbay, where they have the things to help the kid.

Goodness, this plan flunked bad.

He's smarter than they thought. Not only that, they're both the same age, so that means they kinda think the same. When GhostSpider comes in, there's a suprise waiting for him.

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