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●Some people have a strong sense of right and wrong. Others are on a fine line between both. Whichever you are, never judge somebody if they judge right and wrong differently. If there's anything anyone should agree on, it's that.●

■Quote by: Me■

They've looked everywhere, but it's like he's a Ghost. Maybe that's where the name came from, because when they make it to the place he was at last, he's gone, and the only thing left is his targets dead body, and a note. "La araña fantasma..."  or "The Ghost Spider..." a name that he's seemed to use as his alias...


Tony was in his lab when Steve walked in. He was going to make a pun when he was interrupted.

"Tony, We messed up..."

He turned around to look at the Captain as he explained the situation. Imagine Tony's suprise when he found out what was wrong with his kid, and why.

Tony had asked Peter what was wrong, but Peter told him it was nothing. He didn't believe Peter, but he didn't pressure him. Thinking back, maybe he should've.

He couldn't say that Peter's reaction was unjustified, because Tony reacted the same when he found out Bucky killed his parents. Peter reminds Tony often of himself, not that it's a bad thing, per say, but at the same time, Peter's the person you'd least expect to react like he did. To the others, at least.

Tony noticed, noticed his slight change in attitude, slight change in fighting style, especially after the whole Multi-verse situation. Peter told him what happened, how he felt. So, maybe it was unexpected for the 16 year old to have this reaction, but when Tony thinks about it, it makes sense.

Hours turned into days, days into weeks, but Peter didn't really leave his room. Everyone knew he did at some points, because he needs to eat, but it was more often than not they didn't see him.

It was more often than not Tony would knock on his door to try to talk to the kid.

It was more often than not that Peter didn't respond.

The only reason anyone knew Peter left, was because FRIDAY was told by Tony to tell him the next time Peter left his room. When he was told Peter left in his Stealth suit, it was clear he didn't want to be found.

But Tony was going to stop at nothing to get him back regardless.

They were IronDad and SpiderSon.

And he can't be IronDad without his SpiderSon...

-Flashback Over-

Months... that's how long Peter's been gone, how long the Advengers have been looking for him.

The press ask question after question, wondering where Spider-Man is, but they don't tell. Why would they? Telling the reason would reveal his identity. Not only that, many ask them if they think the 'Ghost Spider' is Spider-Man, and they say 'if it is, we'll bring him back', but truthfully? They don't know if they can.

But their determined to succeed, no matter what they need to do.

They've called in favors, friends, acquaintances, mercenaries, people they refuse to even have contact with, anyone. Even the remains of S.H.I.E.L.D agreed to help them. It doesn't matter to the Advengers if Peter is the 'Ghost Spider'. They don't care. They just want their kid back.

Tony just wants his SpiderSon back...

They've looked everywhere, but it's like he's a Ghost. Maybe that's where the name came from, because when they make it to the place he was at last, he's gone, and the only thing left is his targets dead body, and a note. "La araña fantasma..." or "The Ghost Spider..." a name that he's seemed to use as his alias...

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