Chapter 11 Dawning Transitions

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In the quiet pre-dawn hours, Imogen stood outside Dora's door, her heart a mix of anticipation and gratitude. She longed to know about the writer of the letter, and offer a heartfelt thank you to him who had brought so much light into her life. As the first rays of sunlight painted the sky, Imogen was tenacious — this was a moment she would cherish, a memory to be etched alongside the countless others she and Dora had shared. While Imogen's journey to Dublin awaited her, this rendezvous held its own distinct import.

With a deep breath, Imogen knocked softly on the door, her heart fluttering with a blend of excitement and euphoria. The path that had led her to this doorstep was one of twists and turns, laughter and tears. And as she waited for Dora's sleepy voice to call out, she knew that no matter the distance, their bond was unbreakable, and the friendship they had cultivated was a treasure beyond thoughts.

The distant sound of Dora's voice reached Imogen's ears, drawing her attention like a lifeline. "Who might be lingering in the corridor?" Imogen's query echoed through the door.

Moments later, the door swung open, revealing Dora's concerned gaze as she took in Imogen's tear-stained cheeks and the crumpled letter clutched in her trembling hand. Emotions hung heavily in the air, unspoken words lingering between them.

"Imogen... Are you okay?" Dora's voice carried a mix of worry and curiosity.

Imogen's voice wavered as she replied, "I... I just came to ask you about the letter. It's been dancing on my mind all this while."

"About the letter? You could have just texted me, Imogen," Dora was surprised to see how serious Imogen was about the letter. Seemingly, she was moved by its content.

Imogen began, her voice tinged with heartfelt emotion, "Dora, this letter holds immeasurable significance for me at this moment. Never before has any gentleman mustered the courage to pen down such a genuinely heartfelt letter for me. The words I read in this letter stirred my emotions profoundly. There were several occasions when tears welled up in my eyes as I delved into the contents of your letter. Thank you for handing me this precious letter."

Dora nodded understandingly and began, "But why are you thanking me? You should direct your thanks towards the person responsible for penning that letter. The writer is really fond of you, after all."

"I have no clue about the writer to begin with? Who's the writer? Why would he give the letter to you, instead of giving it to me directly?" Imogen questioned, a hint of disbelief in her voice.

Dora's smile held a mix of amusement and intrigue. "I wish I had all the answers to your questions. The writer obviously is someone quite special to us who took the time to craft those heartfelt words. But it's better for you to not know his name."

"Is he someone I know or I have spoken to? Please spill the tea. I don't have much time," a desperate Imogen spoke hastily.

Dora chuckled softly. "Yes, that's right. He's really special to us but you know what? He didn't intend to pass you this letter. Actually, he chucked it away after going on about it extensively. It seemed as if he lacked the nerve to give it to you, considering all he'd put you through. It was me who stumbled upon the letter and opted to deliver it to you. Hence, I can't rightly inform you about the writer. It's better for you not to know about him."

Imogen's curiosity was piqued. "Come on, you can tell me now. You know very well that I don't have much time. Come on, Dora."

Dora's gaze held a hint of secrecy. "I wish I could, but I've promised not to disclose it."

"I don't have much time. I came to meet you this final time just to get my answers straightaway. Time's running out, Dora. I'm flying to Dublin at 7 am, and I really need to know," Imogen pressed, completely freaking out.

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