o ━ welcome to the aiaia dream resort!

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And for the rest of the day Jason couldn't help but think about her very weird words, in luncheons he ponders over her words, while fighting an empousa he think about how mean and rude she is.

Jason decides he doesn't like very much Rebeka, but that doesn't stop him from thinking of her.


REBECCA ALDRIDGE had a crazy ass father. If you ignored the fact that he claimed a goddess or something similar chose him between all the men, he was still crazy.

Alberth Aldridge was a professor of biology and biochemistry and a bunch of nonsense else in an Ivy League school.

So yeah, the guy was a smarty pants.

That's why when he lost his mind nobody could believe it.

One morning the professors group chat lit up and there she was, baby Rebecca in a picture, her father telling them to cover his lessons of the week because he was a father all of a sudden.

Still nobody thought he was crazy.

After he began researching the Greeks and the Romans, nobody thought anything of that, most scholars went through what they called 'the Greek Geek Phase.'

It was when he began announcing outrageous theories that he's colleagues and the board thought he had lost it.

Still Rebecca didn't think his father was crazy, she had grown with a single father in a box size apartment, attending lectures on law or advanced physics.

Watching how having rich parents and nepotism could take you about anywhere.

She had seen students losing it on finals, people popping pills like candy, and building having names stamped on them, and suddenly a kid with the same name would appear in campus or a mistake forgiven.

No, Rebecca didn't think her father was crazy, not until he packed their bags one day in the dead of the night, and told her they were leaving the country.

It was about three in the morning, Rebecca was scared, her father had an insane glow in his eyes, a glow she had never seen.

Her father was calm, a library mouse type of man, that would prepare tea every night for her daughter and him for as long as she could remember, and read her classics until she fell asleep.

Her father took her by the hand, her hot pink hello kitty bag slung around his shoulder.

He then drove to a port, he exchanged quick words with an old man, the man glanced at Rebecca warily and nodded.

Her father knew how to drive a boat somehow.

He was a very smart man, him fleeing like a criminal with her made it worse, as if his intelligence was betraying him somehow.

His father got her in the boat, and in ten minutes they left the city.

"Dad, where are we going?"

He looked less nervous, now that they weren't on land. "We are going on a trip princess ... crossing by land isn't safe." He mumbled the last part making Rebecca even more nervous.

Rebecca pulled out a colouring book and crayons her father packed for her.

Her father looked worried for her. "Go below deck princess, get some rest."

When Rebecca woke up she was on a deserted beach, the type of beach she and her father saw in the movies.

She looked around for her father, she then started to grow worried.

She didn't find him but she somehow found her hello kitty bag.

She began walking, trying to find water, help or shelter. Her father didn't raise a stupid child.

There was a massive resort type of thing, big spaces with a lot of light, Rebecca knew they couldn't afford a place like that.

A woman popped out of nowhere. "Hello sweetie! I'm Graipella! Who are you?"

The woman wore a navy blue business suit with dark heels- they didn't seem comfortable to walk around the beach. She had a caramel blond hair and the prettiest blue eyes. She was very pretty.

"I'm- I'm Rebecca- we have to look for my dad!" She tugged the hand of the woman.

The woman smiled, soothing Rebecca. "Why don't I introduce you to our new guest? The young girl Reyna is about your age."

Rebecca thought it was a good plan, she could go to the resort and ask for help, she would only be there for a while.

Years later a blonde boy washed up on the shore of the island, mumbling something about a trojan sea monster, years after she and Reyna Arellano left with him.

But she never saw her father again.


- this was slow but it's just the epilogue

- trust guys

- i love old jason and old rebecca

- and yes she gets a back story bc w
most jason grace stories it starts in the
canyon and no back story or anything

flo <3

✔ 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍  ⋆  jason grace  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora