Trails of Cold Steel

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Last time...

You were given a chance choice...

A journey with an unknown destination between the stars is about to begin.

These words resurface in your mind once more. "When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret."

You haven't made up your mind yet, or could it be that you have.

However, you're just not sure if anyone else shares your point of view...

It's alright. You can hide it deep in your heart and listen to what others think...

Is it possible that you all think the same?

Right now you're currently talking with Welt Yang, asking you to join The Astral Express

Mr. Yang: I'd heard rumors you'd survive---but I never paid much heed.

You look back at him, with a slightly irritated but neutral expression upon your face.

As you look at him, only for Welt to merely laugh it off. Before placing down his tea into the table.

Mr. Yang: Calm down. I didn't come all this way for your handsome mug.

You: . . .

Mr. Yang: Now your daughter on the other hand---she seemed worth muddying my boots for.

You: That's enough. I don't wanna hear it.

Mr. Yang: Well, with an attitude like that, you're never gonna met your grandkids.

Then Welt stands up from his chair before picking up another set of tea cup before offering it to you. Before returning back to his seat.

Mr. Yang: I'll not have it said that I'm a poor host.

He said to you, only for you to sigh heavily then walked up to Welt. As he poured the hot water within the tea.

You: What do you mean to do with her?

Mr. Yang: Do with her? Why, nothing. Her life is her own now. If I wanted to use her, do you think I'd be talking with you?

You: . . . .

Mr. Yang: All I want to do is help.

You: . . . . .

Mr. Yang: What say you, (Y/N)? Will you join us?

Then that moment hesitation rose upon your face for a moment before looking down upon the tea, lost in thoughts all alone before finally answering back at him.

You: Welt, I trust you'll do right by Stelle.

You: But even though I'm her father, I must walk my own path.

You said with a tone filled with regret and resentment within, before looking at your hand.

You: I only stand here today because of her.

Before molding your hand into a fist, clutching it hard and tightly.

You: Twenty years, I've waited for this chance. I've slept in filth, drank water from a gutter, killed more men than I can count.

Mr. Yang: . . . .

You: This will be my best opportunity. My last.

Mr. Yang: Which is why, you should join us.

You: I told you, I'm not---

Mr. Yang: Interested, I know.

He said interrupting your statement before taking a sip of his tea before putting it back at the table once more.

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