Chapter 6

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Salem looked at Vincent in surprise. "Why get married in three days? You have me where you want me. So, why do you want to get married so soon? We could wait a few years to get married."

"Why wait? Are you planning on sneaking away from me? Because if that is the case, then let me warn you right now, that you will never escape from me. If you so much as think you can successfully escape from me, then I will kill you and hide your body. Don't tempt me my precious flower, because I didn't become the Marquis based off of my looks. I am the Marquis of the High Table, because of all that I have done to make my way while climbing to the top to get where I am today," Vincent said.

"Is that all you care about? Power? Having people fear you, because you enjoy the power that the fear of other people gives you," Salem asked.

"Power isn't the main thing that I worry about. It's not the only thing that I care about. It's not something that I focus all of my attention on. I focus on what I need to do. I focus on all the jobs that come falling into my lap, that I need to take care of. I also focus on collecting beautiful things, as well as collecting the finest art that the world has to offer. And now, I am focused on gaining a beautiful wife, who will bear the last name de Gramont. And you my dearest Salem, you are the lucky young woman who will be gaining the last name de Gramont. Should you refuse or back out of this, then I will go and kill your mother, father and older brother myself. Do I make myself clear," Vincent asked.

"Yes, Marquis de Gramont," Salem said.

"Please call me Vincent. We will be wed soon enough. But I need you to come along with me. We need to go down to the ballroom. There are racks of dresses for you to pick from. I need you to pick the dress to wear for our wedding, and a dress to wear to the reception afterwards," Vincent said.

"Will my family be attending the wedding and the wedding reception," Salem asked.

"I have yet to decide that. But it honestly depends on you," Vincent said. "Shall we start making our way to where you will be picking your dresses?" Vincent put his arm out for Salem to take.

Salem looped her arm through Vincent's arm, allowing him to lead her down to where the racks of dresses were waiting.

Upon entering the ballroom, Salem glanced around at all the racks of dresses that were waiting for her to look through. Salem quickly glanced at all the dresses that were hanging closest to her. Salem inspected it and felt it was the perfect one to wear for the reception. She picked it up and was ready to carry it, only to have Vincent take it and hand it to someone, who took it to the room in which she will be getting ready in the day of her wedding.

"There are so many dresses to choose from. How will I know which dress is the right dress to get married in," Salem asked.

"You will know. The right dress will speak to you. When you try it on, you will feel beautiful. You will feel that the dress is the right one for you," Vincent said.

"I hope so," Salem said, before letting go of Vincent's arm, walking along all the racks of dresses that were lined up in the room.

Salem had picked a few dresses to try on before making her way to the dressing room to try them all on. The first few dresses that she tried on were beautiful, but they didn't make her feel special while she wore them.

Salem then tried on a few more only to have the same result. What is wrong with me? Why don't I feel beautiful in any of the dresses that I had already tried on? Could it be that I don't feel beautiful in any dresses, because I'm being forced to marry a man that I don't want to marry? That could be it. It's not like I'm marrying this man because we fell in love, dated for a while and decided to spend the rest of our lives together. I was freaking traded to this man, all because my father is a selfish bastard and was only thinking about himself at the time, he made this damn agreement. When I get some free time after all of this wedding planning, I'm going to have to have a serious talk with my father for all of this, Salem thought to herself as she went back to the racks to look for more dresses to try on.

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