Chapter 4

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Mathieu took a deep breath in and released it before giving a reply. "My wife and I have decided that you may have our daughter's hand in marriage. The only thing that we ask is that you will allow us to still be able to spend time with our daughter. Granted that she will most likely be kept busy, but she is mine and Tara's only daughter. And we would like to be able to have family gatherings with her."

Vincent rolled his eyes at what Mathieu was telling him. "I will think about it. But Mathieu, you and your wife would clearly understand if for some reason your daughter time doesn't have to spend with either of you."

"Why would you say something like that," Mathieu asked.

"Oh Mathieu, don't go and play stupid with me now. You and your wife Tara both know what it's like to be married. Always tending to one another's needs, maybe going out with friends to celebrate. Or possibly attending something that is work related. You know that sort of thing can happen," Vincent said. "Who knows maybe your daughter Salem will enjoy the married life so much, that she may even forget all about her old life with both you and your wife. Wouldn't that be great? You and your wife would have an empty net, with so much freedom to go and do as you please."

"Tara and I would very much like to see our daughter as much as we can. It's bad enough that we barely hear from our son. And when we do, we always find out that he has been moved away from us again. We don't want to lose contact with our daughter," Mathieu said.

"Mathieu, you know what you were signing up for when you made that agreement with me. If you aren't satisfied with the arrangement that we agreed upon, then I suggest you start putting money away, and maybe sell some of your valuables that way you can pay me for my services of protecting you, your wife and your daughter," Vincent said.

"Please don't do this to my family and I," Mathieu begged.

"Then you will accept all terms of the agreement of this arrangement. You will accept the agreement we have, or I can decline you any protection whatsoever, and leave it up to you to figure out a way to protect your family," Vincent said growing impatient with Mathieu. "Please do hurry this up. I'm a busy man who has other matters that desperately need my attention right now."

Mathieu let out a defeated sigh, knowing that he couldn't win this argument. Mathieu had to accept the way things are, and hope that Tara would be understanding as to why he made the decision that he did. "I accept the way that things are. I accept your proposal for my daughter's hand in marriage in exchange for protection from you."

"That is what I thought," Vincent said before turning to some of his men who were with him. "Go over to the Beaumont house. Collect my bride to be. You gentlemen already know where to take her."

"Please Marquis, can my daughter remain with my wife and I until you two wed," Mathieu asked.

"You had your daughter long enough. Besides, the bride is needed for her wedding dress fitting," Vincent replied.

"But what about my daughter's possessions? Surely you would give her at least a week or two to pack everything up to be moved to your place," Mathieu said hoping that he could prolong the inevitable.

"Your daughter has no need for the possessions she has now. She has new things waiting for her," Vincent replied.

"What about clothes? Surely you don't have clothes in my daughter's size," Mathieu argued. "If you had clothes in my daughter's size, then you would have a dress all picked out for her for your wedding. But you said that you needed her at your house for a fitting."

"I already know all of her sizes. I figured if I said dress fitting you would stop wasting my damn time. But clearly you are one who likes to argue. I have several dresses for your daughter to pick from. I want her to pick the dress that truly makes her feel beautiful. Are you done arguing with me about this," Vincent asked while slowly losing his patience with Mathieu.

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