38 Damaged Sisters

Start from the beginning

"Life is hard on you," I said softly and rubbed her back. She was right. This is horrible.

After a moment we joined with Jack and Elsa to Anna's hospital room. She was attached to life supporting machines. Elsa was just quietly sitting next to her sister and holding her hand.

I stand close to bed with Punzie, rubbing her shoulders. Everyone is quiet, it is like the time has stopped into this one very sad moment. Seconds feel like days.

Suddenly Punzie slipped away from my grasp. She was acting weirdly as she went to Anna. Jack was staring out from the window, the branches were swaying in the wind outside. Elsa didn't notice how Punzie got close to Anna's bed.

Then Punzie sat on the other side of Anna's bed. Elsa's strawberry blonde haired sister didn't even flinch when the bed med her bump when Punzie's weight was on it. Elsa didn't raise her eyes.

"Punz?" I whisper, her eyes are staring at Anna blankly. She starts to brush her hair away with her fingers.

Punzie closed her eyes, not reacting to what I said. Her head was facing down.

Then she started singing.

"Flower, gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt

Change the fates' design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine


When she was singing her hair started to glow in gold. It began from her head, going all the way to the ends of her hair. Jack turned around when he noticed her singing and the weird glow.

I couldn't say what was going on when Jack mouthed to me 'What is that!'

I called Punzie's name few times, worrying her sudden behavior. And the weird glow ofcourse. I mean not every day your wife and soon-to-be-mother-of-your-freaking-child starts to glow like some alien.

Jack and I walk closer to bed.

"SHE OPENED HER EYES!" Elsa screamed when Punzie stopped singing. I barely managed to catch Punzie from falling when she fainted.

I glance at Anna, she was gagging.

"Get the tube out!" Jack gasped and rushed to Anna's bed. He took off the tapes around her mouth and pulled the breathing tube out. The alarms were going crazy in the room and some medical staff ran to see what was going on.

Anna took couple deep breaths and looks at Elsa. They cried and laughed before embracing each other. Jack is still standing near them, holding the tube in his hand.

I'm holding Punzie in my arms, she's still unconscious but breathing.

"H-how," Jack mumbled and dropped the tube down.

"What happened!" The doctor questioned.

"I... I don't know," I mumbled out. I brush Punzies golden locks away from her face. She's asleep peacefully. A nurse comes to help me out.

"Are you alright Anna?" Elsa asked and touched her sister's cheek gently.

"I am not hurt anywhere anymore," Anna grinned. The doctor went to check her pupils.

When me and the nurse got Punzie on wheelchair the doctor was done examining Anna.

"T-this certainly is a miracle," the doctor gulped. "S-she is completely healthy," he said and rubbed his neck.

Jack looks at me quickly and we both glance at Punzie. Then Jack quickly walked to me. "I'm gonna check from mom and dad. Maybe this is because of the drug she was given? It was still experimental," Jack whispered.

I nod my head, "Sure but it would be crazy if it granted her some special healing powers." I whispered. "But it would be cool though," I smiled faintly.

Jack nodded his head and touched my shoulder. "Get her to her room. She and the baby need rest," Jack grinned.

I started to push Punzie out from the room. A police officer ran inside, he had blonde hair and he was quite strongly built. He asked for Anna who replied herself. Apparently the guy was Kristoff.

I push Punzie towards her room. The nurse said that she would bring a doctor to look at her soon. She seems to be fine otherwise though.

"You'll be feeling better once you wake up sweetie," I told her while I reach to touch her cheek. At least I hope that she is alright with the baby.


Yeas. Update! So today I'm going to Turkey for one week. No writing until end of next week.

Can you manage? I hope so :3.

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