Chapter 56

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For hours all they did to me was run knives along my waistline, down my legs, my face, arms. They would occasion cut deep into my skin causing me to scream from the shock and the pain.

And they recoded the whole thing.

They taped my crying and screaming so they could send it to whoever they're going to make buy me back, so they can rewatch it and relive the feeling.

Creepy f*cks.

They dig the knife so deep into my skin that I know it will scar but that's the last thing I'm worried about.

What if I bleed out and die?

What if Sebastian doesn't care if I live or die?

What if I'm stuck here forever?

What if the torture never ends?

So many what ifs, I don't even care about the things that I know.

"Please," I beg, stooping down to the level they want me at. "Stop."

All they do is laugh and continue.

Cutting deeper each time.

Soon, I pass out.


When I wake up, everyone's gone except the woman. She standing in front of me, injecting something into my arms.

I want to pull away but my arms are restrained, my whole body is restrained.

Suddenly I remember where I am.

"What are you—"

Before I can finish what I'm trying to say, she interrupts me.

"Sebastian decided to pay for you. I don't know where he got the money but he did and now I'm preparing to send you off. Your lucky I don't chop you into little bits and mail you to him," she laughs.

Then she stares at me for a second, realizing she didn't fully answer my question.

"Just some drugs," she says as if it's normal. At this point, it is. "I was trying to make sure you wouldn't wake up while on the way there, don't want you breaking out, that would be very bad."

She takes the restrains off of my arms and legs but I can't move. When she sees the panic on my face she smiles.

"You'll be asleep soon, everything will wear off when you wake up," she pauses. "Slowly."

I begin to fall forward as





3rd person pov

Adeline is placed in the back of an ambulance the mafia that kidnapped her stole. They used it to blend in better and look less suspicious while transferring Adeline to a different location.

The woman stayed in the back the whole time to watch over "the cargo." Not like Adeline could do anything, being rendered completely unconscious and completely immobile.

But Adeline dreamed, vivid, horrific dreams of death and life. Her past and her future. A cold sweat broke out on her forehead. The woman sitting not too far away wiped it away before tucking the princesses blond hair behind her ear.

"I've always hated how gorgeous some people could be," she said. "It's not fair to all the ugly people out there, what did you do to deserve such a desirable face? Huh, Princess?" The woman's jealousy soon turned to anger as she stared at the pretty girl sleeping before her.

Beauty truly is an unfair thing.


When I wake up, I'm in a room I've never been in before. It looks like a cabin from the inside, wooden walls, wooden floors, plants everywhere, windows everywhere.

I'm not restrained anymore. I'm laying on a red couch, unable to move. At first it scared me but soon I get used to it as I remember the woman's words, it will wear off... slowly.

"Oh, your awake." A voice I've never heard before.

A man I've never seen before is standing before me, brown skin, curly black hair, dark brown eyes. He's wearing a white tank top and very baggy blue jeans. He has a lean figure but somewhat muscular. His Hawkins is sharp and his eyebrows are perfectly placed, just like the perfectness of his eyelashes and lips.

He is pretty.

Nice to look at.

Majestic even.

"Hi, don't be alarmed, I saved you," he says. "My name is Sebastian. You can call me Seb. I've been wanting to meet you for a long time, Addy."

I try to shake my head but it doesn't move.

"Don't... call me that," I say slowly. My mouth is numb and I can hardly talk.

"Oh, sorry. I though since Alex called you that it would make you more comfortable with me, I'll call you Adeline. Sorry."

I slowly nod my head.

"I'll wait to talk to you when you can fully respond and move, okay?" He asks.

I don't move but agree, he sees it on my face.

"Okay, I'll put on some TV while we wait for your body to catch up with your brain or whatever it has to do to get you to move again."

I smile at his words and turn my head to the tv, it's small but for someone who hasn't watched to much tv in her life, it will do.


In a few hours I'm fully functional and feeling better than ever.

Freedom has never felt so good, I think to myself as I stand outside in the sprinkling rain and stare out into the forest from Sebastian's wooden deck, embracing it all.

Sebastian told me he was going to the grocery store to buy some baking ingredients so he and I can bake and enjoy some treats as we talk.

The fog of the morning is something I rarely get to see since I lived in a castle with way to many responsibilities to have time to enjoy some fog every once in a while and where I lived in the dorms there was never much fog at al plus I had other things more important to worry about.

Like, for example, apparently, my headmistress being a mafia leader?

"I'm home!" I hear Seb shout from outside. I go in by the sliding glass double doors and greet him. He has a warm fuzzy vibe to him, one that makes me feel like I've known him forever.

It makes it hard to be unfriendly.

"So," he says, placing all his groceries on the counter. "I guess we should start from the beginning."

Word count: 1039
10:29 pm
(Not revised)
This took me longer to write because of my nails, they need to be trimmed 😀
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, starting to get interesting, right?

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