Start from the beginning

"It's not pity, right?"

An uncomfortable quiver crept into my voice, as if my anxiety had seized control and revealed itself, leaving me exposed and cold. I saw a flash of recognition in his facial expressions as we were both taken back to my previous panic attack and the reason behind it. Eugene's eyes hardened with comprehension, and his outstretched hands halted in mid-air, unsure of how to provide comfort in these public surroundings, especially considering anybody could walk in on us without warning. He breathed out and rubbed his temples before returning his attention to me.

"I do feel sorry for you, River. Like any other normal human being. But it is not the cause of my decision. I have no idea how I can convince you, but please have faith in me. You've already proven that you're not weak, and you don't need anyone's sympathy."

Sadness, happiness, desperation, relief—I was amidst a whirlwind of emotions, and all I could do was smile as a response to his honest declaration. This gentlemanly figure possessed an uncanny ability to throw me off balance, making it challenging for me to even think of losing him.

Luckily, the loud bell for shoot pulled me away, forcing me to take a few hesitant steps in the opposite direction.

"Brace yourself, dude. I won't be holding back any longer."

I shouted and winked at him before whirling around and heading back to the main location with an ear-splitting smile.


"Take care of her for me, okay?"

April leaned in and whisper-yelled to me, casting a devilish glance at Lorraine. We were outside the bustling airport, bidding farewell to my sister. Despite having caught up on sleep the entire day, both April and Lorraine had an undeniable air of exhaustion hovering around them. It made me wonder just how much they had to drink yesterday.

"You understand that I'm her assistant, right? I should be the one looking after her."

Lor asked and pushed April slightly, chuckling wildly.

"Don't worry, she has Eugene to take care of her."

April wiggled her brows at me with a sly smile, earning a playful eye roll from me in response. The events of last night and the interesting conversation of this afternoon remained locked away in the depths of my mind. There was something thrilling about keeping some things just between us, like sharing a delicious secret that only we knew.

"Just to let you know, Eugene has my full approval. He would make an excellent brother."

April and I had always had an unspoken understanding when it came to discussions about relationships. She knew how strongly I felt about it, and as a result, we had never broached the subject before. But at that particular moment, as I looked into her eyes, I saw a glimmer of hope that had long been extinguished. It was a flicker that I couldn't ignore. Determined not to be the one to dampen her spirits, I simply reached out and lovingly shuffled her hair. We held each other tightly, exchanging affectionate kisses, before she reluctantly disappeared into the growing crowd. I was going to miss her.

"I was arranging my things today and came across these EarPods on the bedside table. I believe it's Eugene's?"

Lorraine inquired, passing me the black rectangular item in the car as we drove back to the hotel. I took the box from her fragile fingers, inspected it, and assured her that it indeed belonged to him.

"I think you should return it to him."

"Yeah. You go back to the cottage, and I will join you later."

Lor nodded and resumed our discussion about the things she missed while she was away.

When I arrived in the parking area of our resort, I dialed Eugene, who was still working late, and requested that he meet me in the secluded backyard. As he approached, I was unable to resist smiling, noticing his pleased expression upon seeing me. He was wearing a casual t-shirt and sweatpants, and his tousled hair looked adorable. I handed him the EarPods once he was next to me.

"Thank you so much. I have been trying to find it all day."

With a look of relief, he quickly slid his newly acquired item into his jeans pocket. I watched him, a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips. Just as he raised his head, a subtle gleam flared up in his eyes, and I couldn't resist the magnetic pull drawing me towards him. Glancing around to ensure no prying eyes were sticking around nearby, I reached out and pulled him towards me, our bodies colliding in a passionate embrace. The mere touch of our lips sent an electric current surging through both of us. In that moment, it was as if time stood still and the world around us faded into insignificance. Our mouths moved with a fierce hunger, a desperate need to devour each other's essence. We became engulfed in a whirlwind of desire, lust, and pure longing, as if the kiss marked the start of something special. This wasn't just a simple act of affection; it was a declaration of something more, an unspoken agreement that we were both willing to explore. And as our lips finally parted, I couldn't help but think that this was just the beginning of a journey that would change everything.


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