Grace's partnership with Alpheus

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Enjoyed! I writing the episode 😅😅😅

It had happened in the oceans of Scotland. One day the Lochnes Beast was discovered, but then it disappeared into the oceans of Scotland and was never found again. And the next day. Devil Daniels making live for the discovery of the monster you find in Scotland's oceans.

"My faithful, viewers! A monster squid has just been discovered in Scotland's oceans! But it will be found and I will catch it! And I'll show you live, in fact. This is where Christine28 says the Loch Ness Monster will be found. Of course, Christine28! It will be found and I will show it live, even tonight!"

"Tonight?! But he's s crazy? Loch Ness monster in Scotland's oceans. In Scotland lives my mother!"

"I know right. But how he find the Loch Ness monster?"

"I don't know, Aria. But someone needs to get Devil Daniels the crazy owl to a doctor"

"I agreed"

"Tonight, is the discovery of the monster! But it will be found someday! You will see it soon"

"Something has to be done before this Daniels discovers the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland's oceans"

Alpheus sighs

"Loch Ness monster? I don't believe it, Ant. But in Scotland's oceans?"

"Yes, Fontaine. There's the Loch Ness monster. But Devil Daniels is crazy but anyway"

"Ant is right. Devil Daniels is so crazy! But he doesn't know what he want from my cousin, Elice!"

"He's so cool"

"Elice. He's so... CRAZY! He's not good for you. But what do you want from him?"

"Nothing, Grace. Calm down. He's not so crazy. Maybe"

"Elice. I'm your cousin and I'll protect my family and you!"


~ Intro ~

Ant: My family are explorers. We been for the generations. While others look up to the stars, we know there are an infinite umber of things that shine in the darkness below. There are things lurking in the seas that long age vanished into myth. My family are Nektons and we explore... The Deep.

~ The end intro ~

~ Grace's partnership with Alpheus ~

"The Loch Ness Monster can be anywhere! In the oceans of Scotland. And I'll show you live!"

"Right. You are saved Daniels!"

"Well, I think that he's so handsome"

"He's SO stupid. You'll said!"

"So, I think that it's so..."



Grace sighs

"Calm down, sweetie. But y'know your cousin isn't dumb either. but it's not your fault"

"I know, I know, mom! I want to protect you all! Ok! I don't want lost my family! Ok!"

"Grace, calm down."

Grace sighs

"No! I can't! I want protect you all! The end!"

Grace sighs and she can't to calm down

"Grace should probably work with Alpheus"

"What?! Dad. Are you ok? Me with him? No! No way!"

"Ohhh~ You and Alpheus, together~"

The Deep: Oneshots Part 1Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα