Je-Rosie Taehyung I just going through a lot you dont understand.

Ro-Come on Jen put the phone down and enjoy we are celebrating.

As Rosie finished her sentence the sound of a champagne bottle being opened in the limo was heard surprising the girls and seeing that Nayeon had opened the bottle and started handing out glasses filled with the alcoholic drink to all the singers in the car. Everyone was drinking and partying until the limo had reached the hotel and the girls were all in their huge suite partying like there was no tomorrow. Again all but one. Jennie was again glued to her phone missing out on the fun and games and drinking that is happening in the suite. The clock struck it was 1 in the morning most of the girls were starting to calm down from drinking and start making their way to bed. But not Jen. She wasnt tired rather upset and annoyed that she boyfriend has not called her or replied to her text messages. Despite the time she grabs her hoodie and grabs her mask and heads out for a walk.


She has been walking for nearly 3 hours now, and yet she was still at the same energy level as before. She was no longer in Seoul instead in the woodland area on the outside. Just a little further along she hears the sound of a plane engine getting closer and closer. She looks up and immediately crouches down on the ground in fear as the plane flies just over her head. But this was no ordinary plane this was an AC-130 and this was no ordinary airport. It was a military base.

Curiosity gets the better of her as she starts to make her way towards the military base. Merly a few feet away from the fence she sees the huge plane that flew over her head. She couldnt see well so she squinted a little to get a better focus on what was going on. She was witnessing what seemed to be foreigners from outside of Korea. Least she knew that much when she could hear them shouting in English. She didnt know what they were saying. She couldnt hear that well, but she did know there were English.

Enough was enough she starts to walk slowly back knowing that she should not be there, even if she is a well-known celebrity. There are just some places she knows she doesnt belong. Suddenly as she starts to walk back further, she hears a dog barking. She turns and sees a German Shepard angry and aggressive ready to charge her. She backs away slowly

Je-Nice doggy... Easy doggy... Good boy

That wasnt enough though. The dog charged her and she ran. In a frantic panic she started to run around the fenced off area, to her it was a good idea maybe the dog would lose interest. Instead it didnt. when all of a sudden she flet teeth on her butt. She screamed in pain. As she felt herself be dragged down to the ground ass first. The dog was now on top of her, and so was two flash lights.


Meanwhile the special forces teams where disembarking the AC-130 and were about to head to their own private barracks on base. Still in full kits with helmets and rifles they were exhausted from the 14 hour journey and were in desperate need for hot food hot showers and hot beds.

MM-Finally some rest need to get the sand out of my boots and underwear.

(Y/N)-Thank you for the information, Captain

MM-Hahaha come on Sergent you telling me you dont get sand in place?

(Y/N)-No I do Cap... I just dont choose to bitch about it

KS1-Captain Miller Sergent (L/N)... we have a situation there has been a trespasser on the outside wall on the west... Rex got em

(Y/N)-I already feel bad if Rex got them. Weird how a dog can be an ass man.

MM-The Sergent will deal with it once we are settled... keep them in the interrogation room

KS1-Yes sir.

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