-How is started-

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Life has a funny way of making things different. One minute you are studying law overseas the next you are an idol. Or youve just left school and now you're a special forces operative. Life has a funny way of making things change and happen without reason. And that is how this love story began.

Black night off the coast of Nigeria. Pirates are unloading their cargo. Their loot. But little did they know that a surprise was waiting for them. Two miles off the coast in the ocean three high speed boats are on their way to take back what was stolen from the people of Nigeria by these pirates.

OL-Teams listen up we have confirmed targets in the AO all targets are considers hostile. You have permission to engage but we want Akin alive. Check your targets and try and do this quietly we dont need another massacre on our hands. Remember we arent supposed to be here we are doing this as a favour. Keep it clean. Overlord out.

Their general spoke on their radio as the troops have landed on the shore and are now disembarking. Night vision goggles down they were ready for action.

(Y/N)-I don't like this one but it doesn't sound right

JS-You dont like anything thats easy do you Striker

(Y/N)-Least I know my limits hunter

MM-Radio chatter to a minimum lads... Alpha team on me... Bravo on the left... Charlie you take right... we will regroup in the middle and Alpha will storm Akins house... Lets move

The teams split and where making their way through the camp while shooting down targets with her suppressed rifles. Keep everything clean and quiet just like their were ordered. Eventually the soldiers made it to the back of the Pirate leaders groups house. Marcus Miller orders Alpha team to stack up on the door while Bravo and Charlie cover their backs. Marcus AKA Dusty looked in front of him on his left peripheral was the entry point but directly in front was Striker.

MM-Do it

With those two words (Y/N) grabbed the breaching shotgun on his back and shot the hinges of the door of and then the lock before donkey kicking the door open. Once it was open Dusty threw a flashbang inside creating chaos for Akin. With four special forces operators pointing their rifles at him he raises he hands.

MM-looks like checkmate for you then

Akin-No it will be checkmate for you soon.

-Four Months Later-

Soeul South Korea.

Twice and Blackpink had a joint show and where now in a limo on their way back to their hotel to spend the night together partying.

Jh-That was awesome but I cant wait to get back to the hotel and let loose

Sa-Same I need a bath

Li-Can I join you.

Lisa said to Sana in a flirtatious joke attempt

Sa-hehehe Lisa

Dh-Ya Lisa look what you have done you broke our squirrel

Dahyuns comment made everyone inside of the limo start laughing. All except one. Jennie was on her phone again constantly trying to check out if she had received messages from someone. Unfortunately no and her disappointment was shown on her face Rosie noticed and nudged her member lightly to get her attention.

Ro-You still trying to see if he has messaged you yet. Come on Jen we have talked about this. He is just leading you on I mean come every 10 messages you send he sends one and every time you want to be around him he is busy but when he wants you around you go no matter what.

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