x. tell him to go fuck himself for me

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There were two things in life that had never happened to Katherine, when it came to boys.

The first, she was never the dumpee and always the dumper. No guy in the OBX was dumb enough to even think about breaking up with Katherine Scott. Relationships grew stale, of course, but Katherine was always the first to break it off.

The second was being stood up. Katherine had backed out on numerous dates, simply because of cold feet, or even if she'd just gotten the ick.

You know what they say, though, karma is a bitch and today Katherine got a taste of her own medicine from none other than JJ fucking Maybank.

Katherine stood at the edge of the water, glaring out at the ocean with her surfboard in hand. She was pissed, plainly put. Who did he think he was? That's what Katherine wanted to know and what she was about to find out.

She strapped her board to the top of her car and did her best to recall the route JJ had taken her on on his motorcycle. After a few wrong turns and circles back, she finally recognized the dirt driveway that led to the 'chateau'.

Katherine had no plan, of what she wanted to say to JJ, nor did she know how the others would react to her even being there, if anyone else was even there.

When she reached the end of the drive, she spotted Sarah's car parked not too far from the Chateau. She figured Sarah was there to make peace with John B, while she was there to rip JJ a new one.

In true Katherine fashion, she stomped in her nude Valentino Garavani sandals across the overgrown yard in search for any signs of life. "JJ!" She called out, the frustration evident in her voice.

It shouldn't bother her so much that JJ left her hanging, and she really couldn't explain why it was. She could try to spin it that he was a Pogue and she was a Kook and he should be honored that she would even want to breath the same air as him, but that was more bullshit than she was willing to lie about.

Katherine's call for JJ missed their target by a long shot, falling on John B and Sarah's ears instead.

Sarah quickly rounded a corner to find her best friend scanning the clearing. "Kat?"

Katherine's blazing gaze met her confused one, before simmering down slightly. "Is JJ here?" She didn't wait for an answer, instead stomping towards where she was standing.

"I thought he was with..." she trailed off, flicking her eyes towards John B, who Katherine made eye contact with at the same moment.

Sarah was, understandably, protecting her best friend's discretion, but Katherine didn't really care. She turned to Sarah. "Oh, with me?" She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yeah, no, he didn't show up." Her head snapped back to John B, who looked between the pair, confused. "Where is he?"

"I-uh..." he started, unsure of what exactly JJ had gotten himself into. "He's helping Pope...?"

"Right, yeah, well tell him it's common courtesy to call someone before backing out of plans," she scoffed. "Oh, and tell him to go fuck himself for me, if you don't mind."

John B adjusted the had on his head, trying to piece together what was happening, but he was more confused than ever. "I feel like I'm missing something here, but I'll relay the message."

Katherine let out her frustrations in the best way she knew how—returning to the beach to surf. The irony wasn't lost on her, that she'd gotten stood up trying to do this very thing, but there was nothing that could make her hate surfing.

Katherine taught herself to surf when she was twelve years old. She'd watched others do it for years before, seeing as she always wanted to be at the beach anyway, so it was a relatively easy feat.

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