iv. eyes up here, maybank

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Katherine was mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted after the party at the boneyard. She didn't expect Todd to text her at all, so when he was texting her repeatedly, telling her their fight was dumb and that they weren't breaking up, she was quite surprised.

She sent a quick text to her mother to let her know that she was safe at Sarah's, before switching her phone off and tucking it into her pocket. She had no interest in stroking Todd's ego. Like he'd told her, there were plenty of other girls on the island to do that for him.

The last thing Katherine wanted to do was hash out the events of the night with anyone else, so she quietly opened the Camerons' front door, in hopes of entering the house unnoticed. However, that hope was abruptly crushed no sooner than she'd manifested it, because when she walked through the door, Sarah's father, Ward, was pacing the corridor. He was speaking in a hushed voice on the phone, but when he saw her walk through the door, he frowned. "Yeah, no, I'll-I'll call you back." He hung up the phone and immediately walked towards Katherine. "What in the world...?" He tilted her chin upwards towards the light, to get a better look at the wound on her lip. "Katherine, what happened?" So much for not talking about it.

Her eyes flashed towards the stairs when she heard footsteps approaching, silently hoping that it was Sarah coming to her rescue. However, when Rafe came into view, stopping at the top of the staircase, her stomach started to churn. She returned her gaze to Ward, offering him a small smile. "You know me, clumsy clumsy," she chuckled. "I tripped on the beach and bit right through it. I-I haven't had a chance to clean it yet. I'm sure it looks worse than it is."

Ward seemed to believe her, laughing along with her, but Rafe's eyes remained unconvinced. His arms were crossed over his chest, watching as she climbed the stairs and tried to brush past him. "Whoa, hey, what's up?" He grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him. "You haven't answered any of my texts." He finally got a good look at her lip, knowing well that it wasn't from falling. "Who did this? Was it Todd?" His voice was gruff. "He called wanting to fight me. Did you...did you tell him?" There was no masking the hopefulness in his voice.

"I-it wasn't Todd," she lied, trying to move around Rafe.

He was enraged, that someone had put their hands on her. "I'd hate to have to kick his ass."

"Leave her alone, Rafe."

Katherine was more than relieved when Sarah appeared at the top of the stairs, her arms crossed over her chest. Katherine shot Rafe an apologetic smile, before bounding up the stairs and joining Sarah. "Tonight was an absolute shit show," she groaned, leaning into Sarah's embrace. The pair walked into Sarah's room and closed the door, leaving Rafe to stare after them.

Katherine plopped across the foot of Sarah's bed with a grunt, keeping her eyes planted to the ceiling. "Are you okay?" The bed dipped next to her, where Sarah's concerned voice could be heard.

She let out a bit of a dramatic sigh, but not exactly dramatic, given her circumstances. "He couldn't even say sorry," she muttered, shaking her head. "I mean, I know I can't exactly be mad about him cheating on me, given the fact that I..." she trailed off, pursing her lips into a straight line. She sat up on her elbow, facing Sarah. "Am I being ridiculous? Should we even be broken up?"

Sarah brushed Katherine's hair out of her face, shaking her head. "You're absolutely not being ridiculous," she objected. "That piece of shit hit you, Kat. He didn't even look sorry, and he literally tried to make it your fault."

"I don't even know how to be single," Katherine laughed incredulously. "We've been together for so long—."

"No excuses, damn it," Sarah wagged her finger, laugh. She pulled her up, forcing her best friend to look her in her eyes. "You're going to have fun this summer. Okay? So what if you don't have a boyfriend. There are a ton of guys that would kill to take Todd's place, and I think I know two in particular."

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