vi. sorry for scarring your boyfriend

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Rafe felt like a safety net to Katherine, as shitty as that sounded. She cared about him deeply as a friend, but making out with him was simply like a drug to help her forget the hurt that she felt after Todd's admission. Emphasis on making out, because she told him she wanted to take things slow, AKA, she didn't want to sleep with him again. Not when she wasn't exactly clear on what she wanted between them.

Rafe's room was silent, apart from the two of them coming up for air every so often, between locking their lips together. She drove him completely mad with lust just by simply existing. The taste of her tongue against his, fighting for dominance was intoxicating. It was better than the cocaine addiction he'd been sporting, though, that was definitely a very close second.

Katherine was straddling him on his bed, ignoring the way his hands trailed over her thighs in an attempt to push her skirt up slightly. He was pitifully desperate for any kind of touch she'd give him. It was almost endearing. Almost.

"Fuck, Kat, come on," he groaned against her lips. "You're killing me." She felt bad, really. She knew the kind of affect she was having on him--she could feel it through the swim trunks he was wearing.

So, she decided to be generous. She started to kiss down his body, still sitting in his lap, but before she could get too far, the bedroom door swung open and Katherine sat upright. Topper's eyes widened before quickly squeezing shut. "Fuck, dude, my bad!"

Saved by the Topper, she thought to herself. "Sorry, maybe next time," she shrugged, giving him a quick peck on the lips for good measure.

"Fucking tease," he muttered, almost frustrated. "Tell them I'll be a minute."

Katherine stifled a chuckle as she smoothed her hair back down. She left the bedroom and was met with a frowning Sarah right outside. "What are you doing, Kat," she chastised.

Katherine narrowed her eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Sarah knew Katherine didn't actually like Rafe in that way and she didn't even care about it being on Rafe's account, but she didn't want to see her best friend go down yet another bad path like she had with Todd.

Katherine, however, wasn't in the mood to be lectured. "You're the one that told me to have fun, so that's exactly what I'm doing," she countered, more hostile than she'd intended. "So, are we going to this stupid beach clean up, or what?" Sarah flinched at the harshness in her tone and Katherine immediately ceased fire. "I'm sorry," she sighed. "Rafe and I are just having fun, okay? I'm not...I'm not going there with him." she shrugged, looking down at her nails that badly needed to be filled. "Sorry for scarring your boyfriend." She didn't bother stifling the smirk that crept onto her face. "He should probably learn to knock, though."

Sarah's smile met her eyes, like it always did. "He's fine, just throwing up in the bathroom," she joked, linking their arms as they walked down the stairs together.

Katherine knew that no matter what curveballs were thrown her way, Sarah Cameron would be the only constant and there was nothing in this fucked up world that could convince her otherwise.

The four of them walked outside and made their way to Topper's fancy new boat that he couldn't wait to show off. Even Katherine had to admit, it was pretty freaking sweet. Its sleek black exterior with red accents stood out against the array of white yachts that lined the pier.

Rafe grabbed her hand and helped her aboard, before pulling her to sit in his lap at the back of the boat. Sarah perched herself next to Topper by the wheel like a good trophy girlfriend did, as they began to wade down the marsh towards the beach.

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