Chapter 20 | Needed

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, Yeah.", she sighed again, before sending her vines upward and dropping off the orange-haired man. He jumped onto the metal being's head as soon as he could, and prepared to hand out strikes to wherever he could crack its shell.

This mechasm didn't seem to care about all of the fuzz going on around it, very unlike the one they had fought in Bonta. Or it simply didn't see then. Whichever it was, it was good for them and meant that they did not have to worry about being chased around like last time, and Evangeline did not have to worry about being focused by their adversary.

"If it doesn't care about us, that means we won't need your ice arrows, right?", Ruel asked the cra, but Eva shook her head:"Last time it didn't just help with immobilizing him, although that was the main intention. It also corroded the metal, so Yugo and Dally had an easier time breaking through his shell. But despite that, I would also want to keep him from getting closer to the tree of life."

"Then let's get you in a good position.", Amalia was ready to go, waiting for the Cras instructions. "First, get me down to his ankle.", Eva nodded:"A little higher than that." Both Yugo and Adamai carefully watched the girls' movements, ready to initiate their follow-up.

The moment, the cra's arrow hit, and the ice spread all across the robot's ankle, the twins dashed ahead. Adamai tried to hit the weakened metal with all of his force, while Yugo struck it with his sword over and over, coming out of a different portal every time. At the end of their first attack though, the metal shell hardly suffered more than a dent.

The ice soon crumbled under the robot's unstoppable and continuous movements. "My ice won't be enough to stop them.", Evangeline said, as soon as she saw Yugo approaching them. He didn't seem to fully grasp the issue at hand:"Can you just shoot more of them at him? We'll get it then, for sure." Before she could argue with him, the eliatrop rushed off again, only leaving a quick:"Thank you, Eva."

She sighed turning to her Sadida friend:"What are we even doing here?" The sadida didn't reply, and instead just got the cra back into position. The archer decided to comply, using even more of her arrows to try to be more successful this time. Although it soon became clear, that this was not going to bear any fruit either.

Yugo stopped on top of the mechasm, his brother landing right next to him. None of the three on the vine were close enough to understand what was being said, but what was very clear to them, even at this distance was that both of them were breathing heavily, their bodies already heaving from fatigue.

Then Adamai straightened up, waving around his arms. "What do you think he's saying?", Amalia turned halfway to Eva and Ruel. Ruel shrugged:"He's probably trying to talk some sense into the boy." "From what it looks like without much success.", Eva noted, as the three of them saw Adamai turn away from his brother, in what was seemingly a loose wave of frustration. Yet once again, there was compliance.

This time the twins went ahead with their attack without giving the rest of the group another heads up. "It's always the same with them.", Amalia said, the three of them doing their best to support the twins in their endeavor. Yugo's sword only minorly scratched the mechasm's shell, sweat already gathering on his forehead, as he started piercing the mechasm's head again and again, still not achieving anything of worth.

Amalia directed her vine to the spot where Yugo kneeled, and his brother headed toward, the desperation written on his face. He halted, no longer aimlessly ramming his sword into the ground below him, and instead letting the blade disappear into thin air, looking up to the sky.

It ached Amalia to see Yugo standing in front of her like this, panting and out of breath, with both of his hands on his knees in an attempt to gather himself. She knew how much he wanted, - no needed - this to work, but she knew that no amount of praying or desperation was enough to change the unchangeable.

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