Chapter 1 | Aftermath

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Yugo turned towards the dragon beside him, now almost twice his size. He was tempted to let his gaze drop to the floor and run away, but he had been waiting for this moment too long. It was his chance to apologize, even though he knew what he had done, - betraying his own brother! -, was irredeemable, he wanted him to know that he was filled with regrets, and would do anything to go back to how everything used to be before.

"Adamai.", he had trouble keeping his voice steady, but went on anyway: "I am sorry. I am truly sorry. What I did-, what I did back then. I am an awful brother, and I understand why you ran away. I should have never taken the six dofuses. I should've never done any of it. And worst of all, I should have never-" his voice broke: "I should've never turned my back on you."

"I guess we both fucked up pretty badly.", these words left the dragon's mouth with such a casualty, that his younger brother was stunned. What did he mean they both messed up? It was clearly he, who used the six dofuses, almost crashed a comet onto the world of twelve, and stabbed his brother in the back. "But if it weren't for me, we wouldn't even be here.", he struggled to keep his tears back. "And if I would've not trusted this false Yugo, I would've not risked the entirety of the Krozmos.", Adamai turned away from his younger brother, desperate to avoid his gaze.

"Adamai.", Yugo knew that he had no moral high ground, and was in no position to ask anything of the young dragon, but he could not lose his brother again: "Ad, please." His brother turned back to him, putting his hand on Yugos shoulder: "Let's just be brothers again Yugo. Brothers that can talk to one another without fighting. Our people are dependent on us, and I am dependent on you."

The dragon's younger twin nodded with tears in his eyes, before he leaned in for a hug: "Yes. let's do that. No more fighting. No more using the dofuses." Adamai returned the hug, lifting Yugo into the air, making their new height difference even more evident. "I really missed you brother.", the small Eliathroph laughed. "And I missed you even more."

Yugo was beyond relieved. He was still filled with remorse, and with the knowledge that he had treated his brother like no one should ever treat their kin. But right now, above all he was happy. Happy that he had his brother back, and happy that all of his friends were still alive and well.

The brotherhood made its way back to the Sadida kingdom, where more Zap portals stood that could help the members to get back to their own homes. Though non of them were really in a hurry to split from the group already, now that they were finally back together again.

Princess Amalia arranged a luxuriant lunch for the lot of them, claiming that this was the least they deserved, after saving the world of the twelve for the fourth time. And as expected of an Iop, Percedal did not even halt for a second to thank her sadida friend for the meal. Instead, he looked for the biggest pieces of Gobball meat he could find, took one in each hand, and practically inhaled them:"You can't believe how much easier it is to eat when you have your second arm back! Oh, how I've missed this." "You could at least eat something less fatty. This is disgusting.", the Shu-Shu, that was now his second arm, had never more wished to return back to his home realm, than at that very moment. "Dally!", Eva urged, to which her husband laughed in embarrassment. Unanimous laughter from the rest of the group followed.

Every few bites, Yugo turned to his left, looking at his brother, a smile inevitably forming on his face. He was really back. The months he spent looking for his older twin were finally over. "Adamai!", the dragon gave him his full attention. "You won't believe it. Grugal recently shape-shifted for the first time!" "Shapeshifted? How did that happen!", he was ecstatic. "He was playing catch with Chibi in the kitchen while I was working, and suddenly he transformed into a tofu, and flew out the window to escape him. He really caught me off guard there, and I immediately ran after him.  I don't know if he had done it before, but that was the first time any of us saw it.", Yugo let out a sharp laugh:"You should've seen the look on Aliberts face." "I can't wait to go home and see all of them again.", Adamais' smile was wide and honest, dying to reunite with the rest of their patchwork family.

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