Chapter 8 | Struck

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- Back to the audience room -

Flopines scream flooded every corner of the room, covering his eyes with his hands in shock. It was only when he heard his dad's voice, that he took them away again:"It takes more than a glowing scythe to beat a true shu-shu guardian!"

"Dally!", was the first thing both Adamai and Amalia were able to say when they saw him. And although Amalia was eternally thankful for being saved by her iop friend, Qilby was still in range, threatening to hit them with his scythe again at any moment.

As fast as she could, she put up another wall made from vines, this time larger than all of the ones before, so they would have enough time to build a distance between the traitor.

"Where's Yugo?", Eva scanned the room in search of her friend, but to no avail. "Yugo is-, I... We...", Amalia looked to her fingers, regaining her composure:"We should deal with Qilby first." Dally didn't quite seem to understand, but all that was on his mind right now, was Amalia giving him the green flag to beat someone up.

Evangeline on the other hand immediately knew what Amalia implied, the worry evident on her face. She didn't see Yugo anywhere, where was he right now? Was he somewhere bleeding out, or even worse dead, all on his own?

Adamai kept on running toward the rest of the brotherhood, using Qilby's confusion to his advantage. The whole brotherhood grouped itself around Amalia, preparing to strike back.

They did not have enough time to form a fully-fledged out plan, but thanks to their years worth of experience fighting together, they did not need one either way.

"Are you ready Dally, Amalia, Adamai?", Eva asked for confirmation, her bow already drawn. Amalia was the first one to make a move, switching over from her defense into a harsh offense her vines grabbing Qilby to restrict his movement. Meanwhile, Dally went up to him, trying to forcefully ram his new makeshift substitute sword into the eliatropes stomach.

To his surprise though, Qilby had managed to cut through the vines with his Wakfu in time and was able to shield himself from the impact. Eva tried to shoot her shot, aiming for Qilby's face, but the eliatrope effortlessly redirected the arrow with his portals.

Both Adamai and Dally went for a few more attempts, but most of them already failed to close the gap between them and Qilby. With every new attempt, it got increasingly frustrating. The eliatrope seemed to dodge all of their attempts with ease, mainly due to his portals, as a simple but effective way-out strategy.

How do you beat someone, who can easily beat or avoid every attack he sees coming his way? Then it hit Evangeline. He could only avert the attacks if he could see them coming. The cra leaned down to her son, whispering into his ear. He looked back at his mom, his eyes widened a bit. "Do you think you can do that Flopine?", she asked him, trying to sound reassuring. He nodded, initially slightly unsure, then more confident:"Yes, Mom. You can count on me."

Next, she made sure, that Amalia had understood her plan as well. The princess approved of her best friend's plan, although both of them knew, that they wouldn't be able to inform both Adamai and Dally, which meant that they had to rely on the boy's intuition, and their synergy as a brotherhood for the plan to work.

The Sadida put up her wall of vines, for what she hoped would be the last time. Additionally, she grew a flower out of the floor, Eva placing herself on top of it. "You should stop hiding behind those stupid vines.", Qilby's voice was loud, hysteric, and above all, forcible:"It won't be any use, I'll catch you either way, right after I took care of Adamai." With that, he used his teleport to zap right behind the young dragon, ramming his knife into Adamais's back.

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