Chapter 4 | Dread

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"Two on table seven, three for five, and another two for two.", Yugo repeated the orders, as he used his portals to get them to their designated tables in -, and outside of the restaurant. Then he turned to the little eliatrope next to him, giving him an encouraging smile:"Chibi, can you get me some more potatoes?"

"Right away!", putting all of his focus into it, he first opened one portal, and then afterward the next. Promptly, a total of five potatoes jumped toward them. Yugo caught three of them, while Chibi caught one. The fifth one rolled onto the floor, yet he giggled in delight. It had barely been two weeks since they started training, but his progress was astonishing.

During these two weeks, Chibi had been restless, practicing any chance he got. Sometimes he even woke Adamai, when he sent objects flying around during the early morning hours. Whenever that happened, Adamai spent the next hour running around the house, to chase Chibi around, and teach him a lesson about letting other people rest.

"That was great!", Yugo complimented, as he picked up the potato from the floor:"How about some more carrots?" Getting those vegetables were small things Yugo would usually do with the help of his portals, not even thinking about it. But to Chibi, they meant valuable bits of training, that gave him more and more control over his Wakfu, with every piece of food he got to Yugo.

Today was a busy day in the inn, and on top of that, Alibert was out for goods in the neighboring village, which meant that they probably had to wake Adamai soon, so he could help them out as well. Yugo contemplated waking him already but then decided that if he would do so, Ad would be unbearable to be around for the rest of the day. He would rather handle some extra work than wake his brother when it was not absolutely necessary.

"Do you need more?", the little kid looked at him, desperately hoping Yugo would say yes, but instead, he just smiled at him:"Not right now, but you can start washing the vegetables already." Even though Chibi was a little disappointed, he was still happy, that he could at least help in some way, and started cleaning the potatoes, before moving on to the carrots.

Just as Yugo wanted to prepare another plate of fricassee, he heard a deafening crash. Without having to check, he instantly knew, that it was the front door. He threw a quick look over to Chibi, putting on a serious tone:"You stay here." The last time the door had been slammed with such a force, Dally stormed into the inn, possessed by Rubilax, and almost trashed the place. Mildly concerned, he then hurried towards the front of the inn.

In the door, there stood a green-haired man, clearly out of breath. It was apparent, that the man was a sadida. Though with the amount of training Sadidian soldiers had to go through, it was unusual for them to show blatant signs of exhaustion. Whatever made him run here, to the point where he rang for air, had to be serious.

"What's the matter?", Yugo used his portals to close the distance between them and tried to support the Sadidian to the best of his abilities. He wanted to lead the man to a chair, but instead, the soldier grabbed him by the shoulders:"Yugo the eliatrope?" "That's me. What is it?" "It's a message f-", the man's eyes rolled to the back of his head, before his body went limp,  falling to the floor. And while the eliatrope tried to catch him, the soldier was a lot larger and heavier than him.

The people around the restaurant stared at the scene in shock. Some of them got up after the man collapsed, helping Yugo to catch him, and put him onto the floor without further harm. "Chibi!?", Yugo called towards the kitchen. Hesitantly, the young boy peeked out his head from behind the kitchen door. "Get Ad , fast!", while he waited for the two of them to come back, he carefully shook the man by his shoulder, trying to wake him up.

"Yugo, I swear by the great dragon...", his brother started, rubbing traces of sleep out of his eyes:"If this isn't important, then I w- woah, who's that?" Yugo shrugged, worry littering his face:"I've got no clue, he just showed up here. Seemed like he had an important message." "Maybe Armand really sent one of his guards, after he found out that we slandered about him at the dinner table." "Ad. This might be serious.", he reminded his brother.

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