everything was over between us

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sleep overtook me and my eyes began to close. i rested my head on gavi's shoulder from time to time, feeling him gently caress my hair. gavi was already snoring softly, but i took all my strength into a fist and got out of bed, raising my head from his soft shoulder.

i reluctantly walked into the bathroom to wash my face. cool water touched my face, my sleep immediately left and i stopped my attention on myself in the mirror. a warm light fell on my face, i looked at my reflection and smiled at it without any reason. after i finished getting ready for bed, i left the bathroom and turned off the light. i remembered, that all evening my phone was in another room, because i didn't want to waste a single second on it. honestly, i would rather look at it all the time this day. but nothing can be changed, so i went into the next room from the one where pablo was quietly trying to sleep. i took the phone in my hand and, after i understood what was going on, i felt a burning pain in my heart, which overcomes me with anxiety and fear. i reassured myself, that everything could be fine and i was just winding myself up, so with trembling hands i called back. when i didn't get an answer, i got even more worried. first, second, third. not a single call from me was answered.

i thought of opening my voice mail, but as soon as i heard the message, that was left on my phone, my life turned upside down. i looked up, trying to understand what was going on, hoping, that it was just a nightmare. my eyes were already in tears, my hands trembled like a reed in a strong wind and my head filled with the most terrible thoughts. i couldn't accept this cruel reality at that moment, i just couldn't believe what happened. i began to cry heart-rendingly, thinking, that tears would help me. but no, they didn't help to extinguish this pain, pain of losing a loved one. i couldn't even think, that reality could be so cruel.


2 hours ago


i was spending time with my friends at the club, when i heard a call from my mother.

"lucas, i feel incredibly bad, my heart.." she stopped to take a breath.

"my heart hurts. can you come, please?" after i heard this, my smile disappeared from my face, as if it had been erased. my heart ached for my mother, so i rushed to the car even though I was drunk. i made a mistake.

"mum, where are you?" i asked her, running to my car.

"home, i am home" i heard her pain through her voice. my heart was breaking into little pieces.

"did you call an ambulance?" she had heart problems in the past, but she never called me at night because of it. i was terribly scared.

"yes" that was the last thing she said to me before exhaling very deeply and painfully and hanging up.


i already called my dad, but he was in another country at that time. i had to call valerie. i was also far away, maybe she was closer to go. my brain was drugged by alcohol, but when you also drive a car, while trying to call to your sister and go to your mother as soon as possible, you just kind of fall out of reality.

"fuck you, valerie!" i screamed and hit the steering wheel after she didn't answer my 23rd call.

i tried again and again and in the end i decided to just leave a voice message on her mail.

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