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Nia's POV:
We've been in this van for days it feels like. Surely we aren't in Chicago anymore! I see a small tear in the material covering the back window. I peek out. A sign says welcome to Minnesota! It means cause I'm looking backwards, we've just left. The next sign says thanks for visiting Iowa. We're in Iowa? We must of gone from Illinois, through winsconsin, through Minnesota and into Iowa!
"Nia!" Myla whispers, crying
"Come here!" I open my arms
She crawls into them and I hold her against me. I rock softly
"Where's daddy and mommy?" She asks
Everyone turns.
"I'm not sure baby. It's okay though. Me, Rayah and Saxy are here for you!" I soothe the 4 year old.
She nods and sucks her thumb. She falls asleep and so does Rayah.
"Uh, Nia." Sax speaks up
"Yeah?" I reply
"If we don't make it out, I just want to say, your one of the best sisters I could of ever wished for. I'm sorry for everything I've said in the past. It's just taken some getting used to. I love you big sis, if only by 2 months!" He smiles
"Love you too little bro!" I smile before changing to a whisper, "we are in Iowa, when we stop driving, and the van opens, kick the offenders where it hurts, there's only two. Then grab the girls and RUN!"
He nods. We sit around a little longer. The van stops. I peer out the back. I see a bunch of houses. Amazing! The van door opens. I look to Sax, he nods. We kick both men where it hurts before running. They attempt to chase but fall to the ground in pain. A woman and her husband, I think, see us.
"Are you guys ok?" The woman asks
"We were taken from our home in Chicago!" I exclaim, "we think it has something to do with our parents being cops."
"Oh my, come with us, we'll take you to our house. I'll call my brother, he's a cop here in Des Moines." The man smiles, "it's just around the corner, I'm mark, this is my wife Lynn."
We follow her eagerly. The couple lead us to a cosy little home. We are taken in.
"Would you like some cocoa?" Lynn asks
"Yes," I smile as Myla sits up, "MyMy, want some hot cocoa?"
She nods. Lynn walks into another room. Mark opens the front door and a man and woman walk in. I recognise the man and woman. James and Jasmine! My old best friends Mom and dad before she moved here.
"James?" I ask, "Jasmine?"
"Nia? You were taken from your dad? Myla too?" He asks
"And my brother and sister, Saxson and Sorayah. They are my mothers kids, Dad married my mom about a year ago now!" I smile as Sax looks at me.
"Mark, can I take her and her siblings to my house, I'll make some calls, and Del would love to see her!" James asks
"Yes, hope you get home safe kids." Mark smiles as Lynn walks in with some cups with lids, two as sippy cups.
"Keep the cups, dears. Hope you get home safe." Lynn smiles
"Thank you for you hospitality Lynn and Mark." I reply
"Your welcome." They smile
We follow James out to his car and sit in the back as Jasmine and James sit in the front. They drive us to a house and we get out. James leads us all inside.
"Delilah, I've got guests, come downstairs!" James calls.
I let myla down. I see Delilah walk down. She sees me.
"Nia!" She squeals and runs down to hug me
I hug her back.
"Dewiwah!" Myla smiles
"Myla!" Del lets go of me and hugs Myla.
"Uh, James, if you pass me your phone, I can dial dad's new number." I ask
He nods and passes me his unlocked phone. I go into phone and dial dads number. It rings.
"Halstead!" He answers and I switch it to speaker phone
"Hey dad!" I exclaim

Back in Chicago, Illinois!
Jay's POV:
I am driving in the car with Hailey as my phone rings through Bluetooth. Unknown number. I answer.
"Halstead!" I answer
"Hey dad!" I hear Nia's voice.
"Nia?" I ask
"Dad! We're ok. We escaped. We're in Des Moines." Nia exclaims, "uh we are with James, Jasmine and Del!"
"Hey Jay!" I hear James exclaim
"James, how long till there home?" I ask
"It's a 1 hour 20 flight to O'Hare from our airport. I can get them in the next flight. I looked it up on my tablet, it's in 90 minutes! Should get in to O'Hare in about 3 hours!" James exclaims
"Thanks James!" I tell him and look at Hailey who is smiling, "Nia, are you all there?"
"Yes daddy!" She replies, "is mom thier too?"
"Yes! Ok, kids, you here me?" I ask
"Yes Dad!" Everyone replies
I look at Hailey in surprise
"Alright, I'm here with your Mom, James will take you to the airport and then we'll get you once you fly to O'Hare!" I explain
"Ok, we love you and miss you mom and dad!" They all tell us in chorus
"I miss you mommy and daddy!" I hear Myla whisper
"Miss you too Myla!" Hailey exclaims
"Bye kids!" I tell them
"Bye!" The phone call ends.
We pull up at 21 and run inside happily.
"Why you smilin?" Trudy asks
"We get to see the kids in like 3 hours!" Hailey smiles, "turns out they are is Des Moines, Iowa, and Nia's best friend's parents found them and uh he's getting them in a plane home!"
"That is amazing! Go on, tell everyone!" Trudy smiles
We nod and run upstairs. Hailey tugs me. Voight comes out and everyone turns.
"Uh we still have no leads." Voight sighs
"We don't need them, they are coming home, be here in 3 hours!" I chuckle, "they are is Des Moines in Iowa, and one of Nia's old best friends' parents have them and are sending them home!"
"We are coming you know right?" Burgess smiles
"Uh yeah!" I nod and they all smile

2 and a half hours later.
"Alright, let's go!" I exclaim and we all run down to our cars.
We drive to O'Hare and get in. We got through security and walk to the gate. I see the plane land. I start smiling and raise up on the ball of my feet a little impatiently. They walk off and see us.
"Mommmmmmmy! Daddddddyyyyyy!" Myla runs for us first
"Myla!" We both smile and bend down to hug her
We stand up and the other attack us with hugs. We all cry softly as we reunite after 9 days! We let go of the hug and walk out with the others. We seperate at go in our own cars.
"Is everyone buckled in?" I ask
They all nod. I drive us home. We get there and all get out. I let them all in.
"Alright, here's the plan!" I exclaim, "go shower, Myla, mommy will help you. Then into your comfiest clothes and come down here. We will get candy and popcorn and a movie night!!!!!!!!"
"Yayyyyy!" Everyone cheers
They run upstairs and myla and Hailey head up after. I get blanket and pillows out of spare stuff and thier rooms and set it up on the couch. I set it so we all snuggle together. I then go into the kitchen and coook everyone's favourite popcorn flavours. I put hem in seperate bowl for everyone and give them all candy and make hot cocoa! I take it into the lounge room. Nia comes down first. She takes her spot next to me. Then Sorayah takes her spot next to where Hailey will be. Then Hailey walks down with Myla. Myla goes between me and Hailey. Saxson soon joins beside Nia. We watch movies. We all end up falling asleep.

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