Chapter 37

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The officer still seemed sceptical, "and did you see anything?" His eyebrow raised quizzically, distrust displaying across his face.

"Yes," I say with a pause, trying to decide what to disclose. "I didn't see a face, because they were covered. But he seemed to know who it was, he didn't seem scared."

"That's it? That's all you got?" The cop says with solid attitude.

"Well I mean you kinda interrupted me, so yeah that's all I got to see," I state with some attitude. He's not gonna treat me like a criminal, without me atleast getting some snap back.

The cop leans over and grabs my arm, tugging me up harshly. "You two are coming with me," he spits out. A whole bunch of officials surround us, covering up Teagen's body and shutting down the park.

I don't say another word as the cop drags me harshly behind him. "You're hurting her," Lyland states plainly. "We're coming with you, no need to hurt her." The cop let's go of my arm. I look up at Lyland as if to tell him a quiet thank you, he nods.

The cop had grabbed me so hard that a small bruise was already starting to form. I rub my arm awkwardly. The rest of the walk to the (TN) station was very uncomfortable.

The (TN) station stood tall. It was a large stone watch tower that towered over everything in the surrounding areas. It also happened to be right on the edge between the town and The Forest of Monsters, as it once served as protection between us and them. That was back when the Monsters from the Forest tried to attack us constantly however.

Now it was used as a (TN) police station. This was my first time ever entering one. The inside was simple compared to the outside. What probably once was stone wall was now insulated and plastered over. The (TN) officer lead us down the hall to a group of chairs. In the middle of the room was a smaller lady sitting at a desk typing away.

"I want to talk to you first missy," the officer (TN) said to me.

"That's fine with me," I say with a shrug as the office gestures at Lyland to sit down. I know I have to watch what I say, because it is more than obvious the officer thinks I'm the killer. Granted that brings me one step closer to what I've been running from this whole time, getting blamed for a murder I didn't commit. But its no big deal, really.

I follow the officer into a room at the corner of the hall. It was a simple room. The only think it is was four chairs, two on each side of a longer table. The officer gestured at one of the chairs, so I sit awkwardly.

"So tell me what happened," the officer (TN) states.

I take a deep breath, preparing myself for what to say. "I was talking to my friend out there, and we heard a scream. We went running towards it and say that it was Teagen. I didn't want my friend to have to be around his best friends dead body any longer than he had too, so I told him to go get help. Then I decided to see if I could get any clue on who would do this, so I channeled a vision. That's when you showed up."

"You expect me to believe that?"

"Its the truth, so why wouldn't I?"

"You were knealed over a dead body with blood all over your hands."

"With no weapon on me, and while waiting for you guys to come help," I explain. No killer would have waited around, and I wouldn't have had time to dispose of any weapons. There was little chance they could pin this on me.

"So the vision you channeled, tell me about it," the officer (TN) commands.

"I wish I had something more helpful to tell you honestly," I answer with a sigh. I stare down at the blood staining my hands, "Teagen definitely knew his killer. He wasn't scared. The seemed to be talking like friends, but I couldn't see the killers face." I pause trying to make sure not to forget anything that would help, "The killer was tall, athletic build, but not bulky. I think they had long blond hair."

"You think?"

"I know. They had blond hair, unless it was a wig. I saw some of it out of the side of their black cloak," I correct myself.

"How tall?"

"Shorter than Teagen, maybe 6-3 6-5?" I reason.

"Could you tell the gender?" the cop asks.

"My guess is female, but I'm not sure."

"You're friends right? So who does he know thats over 6 feet, female, and blonde?" The cop asks.

Clementine immediantly pops into my head, but there's no way. Cleo had a crush on Teagen, she wouldn't have killed him. She's not a killer. There's plenty of tall blond females that he hangs around, that's his type.

"That's his type," I answer. "I couldn't possibly name every girl with that description he hangs out with."

"Try," he pushes.

I list off every girl that I can think of that fits that description that I've seen near Teagen. Every girl but Clementine that is. It just wasn't possible that it was her, so there's no point.

Besides my biggest guess is Abbadon. A powerful demon could probably appear however they wanted to appear. (TN has she even been mentioned?)

"Okay, you can go wait in the lobby. Tell the boy to come on back," he says.

I get up and walk out of the room. Once the door shuts behind me I let out a deep breath, hopefully I didn't mess up. Hopefully I don't get blamed for this. Letting Lyland know its his turn, I sit down in the chair next to him. He gets up and I watch as he walks away.

Poor Lyland never would have been in this situation if I wouldn't have dragged him to talk. If I didn't pick the location I did to talk. Granted he also wouldn't have been in the area if he wouldn't have been ignoring me. He would have been at home sleeping probably. Yet now he's in the police station (TN) after seeing his best friends dead body. Fun.

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