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Rea harshly tapped her finger on the game as she tried to focus over the loud noise surrounding her, waiting for the thing she considered a show to be over.

Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she broke out of her trance and looked at her brother, who furrowed his brow at her.

"It's disrespectful to be on your phone during such an important event! Could you please be polite and at least look? I didn't spend my money on your seat for giggles!" He spoke to her with an attitude, making his voice loud enough for her to hear over the sound of the cars.

"You didn't give me a choice-"

"He's going! He's going! He's going!" He repeated excitedly, deriving his attention back to the race.

She truly did have no choice.

Rea and her brother Angel had both decided that once their school years ended, they'd go on a twin bonding trip.

They had saved money on a joint account for the longest time, and they finally decided that France was the place to go, particularly because Angel was begging to see 'the most important event of his lifetime'.

The NL 34 Sports Racing Event, which was an event she had no idea existed.

It was held annually in Le Mans, which was a city that she also had no idea existed.

Although she had every opportunity to ditch out on the occasion to go explore the city, they had promised each other that they would do everything together.

So here she was, and the only thing keeping her in her seat was the fact that Angel promised to go to the fancy restaurant she had picked that night.

Rea rolled her eyes and finally locked her phone, looking at the cars as they zoomed past them.

If they were any closer, they'd go deaf.

Her eyes searched for the number that her brother was rooting for, spotting the black and blue car with the big 45 on the side of it, going neck and neck with number 30.

Her eyebrows unwillingly furrowed in interest as there was only one lap left.

Angel suddenly grabbed onto her arm in excitement, making her jump, but her gaze didn't leave the cars.

"He's winning! He's gonna' win!"

People screamed loudly as number 45 and 30 started reaching the finish line, but suddenly 45 seemed to pick up speed, and passed him with ease.

"He won!" Angel jumped in thrill as he pulled on her arm, cheering loudly next to her.

"Number 45, Lee Heeseung from South Korea, has won yet another well acclaimed race this evening with a 04.5 second lead! It's incredible!" The commentator spoke energetically as the cars started slowing down, with the blue and black in the lead.

"It's crazier that he's number 45 with a 04.5 second lead!" The other commentator laughed in amazement making some people in the crowd laugh.

Angel and Rea watched the car go into its lane, and Angel started laughing in excitement at the thought of being so close to the winner.

"He's so good."

"Wouldn't the good one be the car?" Rea couldn't help but question, but her brother looked at her like she was crazy.

"It's a lot more than just good wheels, Rea. It's the driver's control."

"Okay. Is it done? Can we go now? Our reservation is at six thirty, and I am not going in these clothes even if I'm caught dead."

Race To Your Heart |Lee Heeseung|Where stories live. Discover now