Chapter 112

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  "So you lied to me, didn't you..." He looked at Mr. Zang in the void with his only movable eyes, and all thoughts were lost.

  "You don't know the technique of resurrection at all, but I'm like a fool... looking forward to it every lied to me..."

  "I didn't lie to you, but he doesn't want to come back no matter what. He doesn't want to be reborn with you, he just wants to be free." Mr. Zang said.

  He Zhuo deceived himself and did not believe it: "No, you lied to me... You don't know how to resurrect from the dead... You are all lying to me... I will use my own method to resurrect him..."

  Ji Tingyu lay on top of him without saying a word, but the tears flowed down his face soaked in tears again.

  brother... please give up...

  The wind and sand rolled up, and they were taken to the last space.

  On the highest snow mountain in Newell, his burial place.

  He Zhuo's burns haven't healed, and he has no intention of healing them. The hideous black scars are all over his body like old bark. The sexy and charming alpha is like an old man dying at the moment.

  Wrapped in a black robe, he hired someone to helicopter him up the mountain, knelt where the cat was buried, and planted a field of white peonies in front of his grave.

  Ji Tingyu quietly watched him plant, and occasionally helped him dig the soil, but it was just for show, and he couldn't dig it up.

  He Zhuo took out something, which was a cat poked with wolf fur.

  With his mouth crooked and his eyebrows raised, he looks fierce and pompous.

  "I heard that if your body is mutilated when you go to the ground, you will be bullied when you get down there. I used my own wolf hair to make a fake body for you. If someone bullies you, you can show them and say that you It's complete, you know?"

  Ji Tingyu cried and nodded: Got it...

  He Zhuo dug a small pit, buried the wolf-haired kitten in it, and said with some regret: "I made a wish before, if I didn't save you until the last moment, I hope I can be buried with you .But now it seems that it can't be realized."

  Why... can't it be realized?

  Ji Tingyu didn't understand, he couldn't open his eyes from crying, and couldn't speak.

  He Zhuo didn't know he was there, so he stood up.

  The coach waiting on the side came over to put on the equipment for him, and led him to the side of the mountain, approaching the cliff step by step.

  Ji Tingyu was about to be driven crazy, followed him and tugged at his rope, shaking his head desperately: Don't go, don't go any further, give up, give up...don't torture yourself anymore ...

  He was blown up by the wind, swaying like paper, five fingers convulsed with force, but still couldn't stop He Zhuo.

  Another gust of mountain wind blew up, and He Zhuo jumped down the snow-capped mountain.

  Ji Tingyu hugged him tightly, protecting his head and heart in vain, and the moment his chest touched, he heard his pious petition:

  —God, if you hear my wish, let me die and give me back my kitten.

  Ji Tingyu's heart was pierced by a knife, the pain was so painful that he wanted to die like this, and he couldn't stand it any longer, he used all his strength to tear open his vocal cords and shouted in grief, "I will give it back to you... I will give it back to you... No matter it is Life or death, I will be with you... never to be separated again..."

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