Chapter 49

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  Because of the huge difference in body size, when he bowed his head, the muscles on his shoulders shrugged, just like a wild beast.

  "Wait... He Zhuo, I... I can't breathe..."

  Ji Tingyu's eyes were blurred, he was gradually lacking in oxygen, his face was flushed red, and at the last second before he was suffocated, his eyes finally focused, and he clearly saw——

  The shuttle-shaped wolf pupils in the lower three white eyes of the person in front of him turned terrifying blood red, and he stared down at him condescendingly, revealing a lust that could not be restrained even with all his strength, he was looking at the animal who was about to be slaughtered. prey.

  He's not kissing at all, he's going to eat me...

  The moment this thought popped into his mind, Ji Tingyu stretched out his hands and pushed him away with all his strength.


  The cat slid down against the wall, rolled its eyes, stuck its throat, gulped for fresh air desperately, crossed its hands and grabbed its own neck as if it was about to push over, and was bullied to death.

  Even so, He Zhuo didn't let him go.

  The wolf king, who has a deep sense of taste, pushed the cat into a corner, and with one hand, he pulled his wrists up and pressed them above his head.

  "No, wait... I don't want it anymore..."

  Ji Tingyu sobbed and begged for mercy, his weak cry was mixed with the cry of being kissed hard, and he grew hooks to scratch his heart one after another.

  How could He Zhuo stop.

  He was so greedy that he went crazy, and he finally lifted the restraint, and he was not satisfied with just one time. His free right hand burst out with blue veins like wires, and he clasped it hard on the back of Ji Tingyu's neck, forcing him to look up.

  The hot kiss was pressed down like a mountain swallowing an ocean, and before Ji Tingyu could close his mouth, he was forcefully pried open and drove straight in, grinding his mouth until his mouth was on fire.

  He couldn't breathe, tears flowed all over his face, his eyes became watery, his eyelashes were trembling, he looked up pitifully, and looked at He Zhuo.

  At that moment, He Zhuo only felt that his heart was so hot that it was about to explode, and the boiling love gushed out like magma.

  "Baby, I really love you..."

  "Please don't have any more accidents, don't leave me again...I think you're going crazy this year..."

  His panting was hot and hot, the strength of the kiss seemed to be biting, and the tight embrace was so tight that it would strangle a person's bones one by one.

  Ji Tingyu clearly felt as if he was being hit head-on, what kind of paranoid to crazy love he gave himself.

  As if if you can't get it, you will die.

  Fearing that he would really be hypoxic, He Zhuo forcefully forced himself to stop, half straightened his waist to support him, and panted messily.

  However, before he could catch his breath, the kitten, which was paralyzed on the ground, suddenly reached out and clasped the back of his neck, pressing down hard on him.

  The moment his lips collided, he said to He Zhuo:

  "Come on, I'll go to hell with you."


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