1- calm before the storm

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Leo looks out the tank's window.

"Raph!!! They are gaining on us!"

Raph grunts as she grips his chair, "Donnie! Do something-"

Raph is cut off as a car bumps into them. Mikey holds an artifact towards themself, making sure it doesn't fall.

"I am Raph! Just-" Donnie mutters as she types on the control panel. The car rams onto them again. This time Mikey drops the artifact and it breaks, it starts glowing a reddish and green hue.

Both Donnie and Leo look at Mikey.

"What did you do??"

Mikey swings his arms around "I dont know! It just fell-"

A light blinds all four of them, engulfing the tank as well.

The car following the tank slows down and pulls down their windows, as foot brute looks out to where the tank was.



128 words,srry this is short next one will be longer <33

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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