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The heroes were all safe, Anabash was destroyed, it was a moment of joy for all. All the heroes hugged eachother jumped and celebrated, except Prem, Kenneth and Zane who simply watched the others celebrate. Israr, Ian, Veer and Joshua put arm in arm and jumped happily. It was a joyful atmosphere, all happy and excited faces around.

                                    Prem, O'Neal and Launchpad stood watching the heroes, feeling very proud of them.

"They really amaze me all the time . . . these bunch of kids really are the best . . . the way they stay together, be together and their hearts and feelings remain one . . . amazing!!" said O'Neal.



"Yeah sure!" replied Launchpad still trembling from all that he had encountered.

"Alright guys!! Time to get back to base!" announced Ethan, walking forward towards the concorde.

Happily the others followed behind him. Shannon pointed out at the broken windows to bring others attention to it.

"Nothing that cannot be fixed!" said Ian.



"Yeah we'll do something about it," tagged along Veer.



"That's the least of your problems!" said Kenneth, standing at the same place he was before, which said, that he hadn't followed them towards the way in which the concorde was.

"It won't work . . . because of my EMP!" he cleared.

"Oh of course," revealed Prem, turning looking at Ethan.



"So what . . . let's call Crawford to send some transport!" began Israr, all smart, as he tried to act over to control the situation.

"Won't work . . .because of my EMP!" repeated Kenneth again. At that all the heroism and leadership Israr was showing, suddenly became a joke and everyone started to laugh.

"So what's the plan then?" asked Flaunt, as he transferred his support for Elijah to Asuka and Shannon.



"Nothing!" replied Ethan, finding a place to sit on and he dropped to sit on the ground. The others looked at him waiting for a further explanation.

You'll Never Know Chronicles (Part 2) Wrath of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now