Chapter 39 - Maeve

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It was exhausting to put him to bed. She glanced at Ander several times, once again taken aback by how easy he made it appear, although he'd been doing it most of his life. She had been relieved it wasn't Will's night, because when he was that drunk, she didn't want to be around him.

When she and Ander settled in bed together, she'd asked him about the next mission. It was then he'd told her they were going after another werewolf. That night when she dreamed, she had nightmares about Kevin and her part in his death. Ander had to wake her up twice because she was crying or being loud. When he asked her what she dreamt about, she lied and told him it was about the demons. She didn't think he believed her, but he let it alone.

The next day they set off with a hungover and even grumpier Will, but he at least let Ander drive until they reached Savannah. Maeve wanted to see Savannah. She hadn't been that far south before and she wanted to experience everything, even in the heat. After lunch and his afternoon beer, Will obliged her and agreed to do silly tourist things. She rewarded him with a squeal and a soft kiss. They'd spent the entire day and into the evening going on tours and seeing important landmarks. Maeve was tired but in great spirits when they got to their room.

To her surprise, when she came out from her shower, Ander was gone. When she asked where he'd gone, Will told her that he went to an all night gym. Before she could ask another question, he had her on his bed and naked, and feasted on her until she called out his name repeatedly. She'd tried to reciprocate. He gently refused and told her they'd run out of time and seemed amused by her frustration, winking at her when Ander opened the door. Had he done it on purpose to make her crazy with desire for him? If so, it worked.

When they laid together that night, she'd been the one who had difficulty going to sleep. Her mind couldn't purge the images of his naked body moving with hers. He'd nuzzled against her neck and breathed in her scent before he made satisfied noises and tugged her closer. Maeve couldn't look at Will and not think about their bodies entwined. It didn't matter where they were or what they were doing. If she wasn't focused on something else, it was where her thoughts drifted to. Every time he caught her, his lips would tilt up in a wolfish smile. It reinforced her theory that he was playing with her.

Still staring out of the window, she was glad tonight was Ander's night. She didn't think she could trust herself with Will in bed again. How had things turned upside down? "Everything is so flat here," she commented to no one in particular.

"Yeah, Florida is flat as fuck," Will replied from the front seat.

"Where are all the beaches?" Now that she knew where they were, why didn't she see any beaches? That was all anyone ever talked about with Florida, the beaches and amusement parks.

"We were close to the coast, but we headed inland. Where we are going is more in the center. Florida is fucking huge. Huge and filled with idiots," Will told her.

"Where are we going?"

"Close to the everglades," Will said. Everglades. The only thing she remembered about them was that there were alligators. "Its gonna be miserably fucking humid and hot like you haven't felt before,"

"Have you ever been to Florida?" Ander turned his head to see her.

She shook her head.

"We have only been a few times. It is not pleasant in the summer," he finished.

"Not pleasant? It's fucking horrible. I hate fucking Florida," Will grumbled.

"You dislike Florida because you had an unpleasant experience."

"We both had unpleasant experiences here," Will corrected.

"Yes, but I was not shot by an angry father over his deflowered daughter," Ander said with a smirk.

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