14. can we fix this? pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"I know, and I know it all probably does feel a bit overwhelming to you now but you have people around you to help you understand it all," Holly reassured her cousin, giving her a gentle smile. "And that includes me as well, so just remember that, I'm only on the other end of the phone if you need to chat, munchkin." she told her.

"I'll remember," Olivia replied in agreement.

"And you have the best support in your sister to help you out with things as well, whenever we've spoken recently she will always tell me that you're her number one priority," The blonde woman told her cousin. "Although, I have to admit it does suck that you don't live in Milton Keynes anymore so you're not so easy to see anymore like before." she joked with her.

"Leah is the best sister that I could ever wish for, even if I do tell her that she annoys me, like all of the time," Olivia said, grinning cheekily. "But of course, you're the best cousin as well. Better than the rest of them." she added.

"So I should be," Holly said, poking the blonde playfully in the ribs. "Otherwise we'd probably be having problems right now." she said, mockingly wagging her finger at the teenager.

Olivia moved her hands out of her pocket to hold them up in mock-surrender, "I wouldn't want that now," she said, laughing at her older cousin. "Although, I am a bit biassed when it comes to the little kids in the family now, they're adorable." she stated.

"I can't argue with you there, that they are," Holly said as she moved to the front of the queue as she smiled at the woman who was serving them before she turned to look at her cousin. "Do you want Pepsi, Liv?" she asked the teen.

"Sure, yeah, alright though, could I maybe get some vodka in it?" Olivia asked jokingly, grinning at the older blonde as she tested her luck.

"Ha, nice try kid," Holly disagreed, shaking her head amusedly as she looked at the woman who looked at her concerned. "She's just joking there, we'll stick with a Pepsi, please." she told the woman on the tills.

"Without the ice," Olivia piped in, not being too big of a fan of ice cubes in her drink.

"Oh yes, no ice please either for the fussy child," Holly said, taking the opportunity to tease her cousin for her dislike of ice as she nudged the girl playfully, before she ordered the rest of the drinks and paid for them.

"I like what I like," Olivia mumbled, shrugging her shoulders. "And the ice makes my stomach hurt, it's weird." she added.

"Right course," Holly said as she couldn't help but laugh. "Come on then, help me carry these drinks back to the family, munchkin." she said, gesturing to the drinks that were on the counter ready to be taken.

"Impressive that you managed to carry those drinks without even spilling them sis," Ben joked with his older sister, noting that she was juggling four of the drinks that she had ordered.

Holly rolled her eyes as she passed her brother his drink, "Well, yeah, not like you were much help, huh?" she asked.

"I would have but it's not like you asked," Ben fired back, smiling smugly as he accepted the beer from his sister just as the players made their way back out onto the pitch as the second-half of the game was about to kick off.


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