10. i've got you, always

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30th september, 2021

The teenager was sat in the kitchen, lost in a train of her own thoughts as she didn't bother to even attempt to eat her breakfast, feeling sorry for herself and also worried incase her sister was still annoyed, since she hadn't even spoken to her...

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The teenager was sat in the kitchen, lost in a train of her own thoughts as she didn't bother to even attempt to eat her breakfast, feeling sorry for herself and also worried incase her sister was still annoyed, since she hadn't even spoken to her before she left the house early this morning.

"You know, the longer you stare at your breakfast, the more soggier your cereal will get," Jordan joked, walking into the kitchen where she spotted the youngster staring down at her breakfast.

"Not that hungry," The fourteen-year-old mumbled, pushing her breakfast away from her as she peered up to look at Jordan. "So, are you taking me to school or is Leah?" she asked.

"I'm taking you today since Leah has some media to take care of with the club, is that okay?" Jordan wondered, opening the cupboard to grab a glass out as she poured herself some orange juice. "We'll probably have to leave soon, so make sure you things ready to go." she added in.

"Leah didn't even speak to me this morning before she left," Olivia noted, picking up her spoon with the milk still on it as she tipped it back into the bowl. "How mad is she still?" she asked.

"Well, that's just because she had to rush out this morning to make it there in time," Jordan remarked, leaning up against the kitchen side as she drank her drink. "You know your sister, she'll be fine later on." she said.

Olivia huffed and continued to mess about with her breakfast, "Will she be picking me up from school?" she asked.

"Yeah, as far as I'm aware unless you'd rather walk back," Jordan joked with the younger girl.

"Nah, it's like almost a twenty minute walk, no thanks!" Olivia protested, shaking her head.

Jordan chuckled and finished the rest of her drink before she rinsed it out and placed it in the dish washer, "Right, come on, let's go before you're late. Have you got everything?" she wondered.

"Yep, ready as I'll ever be," Olivia muttered to herself, pushing her breakfast away as she got up from her seat.

"Hey, you forgetting something?" Jordan got the teenager's attention as she was about to leave the kitchen, to which Olivia looked at her confused. "Your bowl. It doesn't belong on the table kid, put it in the dish washer, please." she said.

"Right, sure, got it," Olivia said, turning around and picking up the bowl to put it in the dish washer.

"So, you looking forward to your first training session today at the academy?" Jordan wondered, locking the house after the two of them and walking over to her own car.

"I'm excited but yet I'm still nervous," Olivia admitted, smiling bashfully as she dumped her backpack on the floor of the passenger seat. "I... I don't know if I'll be any good or not still, and I've gotta get that detention over with as well." she said.

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