They took her to a room and soon the doctor also comes. Pallavi called Siya and informed her about Aaravi.

The doctor was checking her after examining her, she took her blood sample.

Turning toward Pallavi, she said,
"It seems like she exhausted herself too much and due to weakness she fainted. I took her blood sample and you guys can collect the test report by tomorrow and then meet me with her reports," Pallavi nodded.

"Also I am prescribing some multivitamins for her. Make sure she doesn't take stress and rest well," Pallavi takes the prescription and nodded at the doctor.

"I will take care of whatever you said,"

Doctor leave from here. Pallavi sat beside Aaravi who is peacefully sleeping now. She stroke her hair as tears formed in her eyes.

"You scared me, your Nanu," she whispered and wipes her tears.

She heard the door opening sound and look to see Ruhaan and Siya. Their eyes fell on Aaravi. Siya runs toward her with tears in her eyes. While Ruhaan slowly walked toward them while his fearful eyes fixed on his daughter.

"Aaravi mera bachcha...see you Ma is here. Baby.." Siya softly said running her finger gently in her hair.

"Ma, what happened to her? Why is she not opening her eyes?" Siya asked in her worried and scared voice.

"She is fine now and sleeping. The doctor checked and said she fainted due to weakness. Don't cry, Siya..." Pallavi softly said assuring Siya as she is silently crying.

Pallavi stand up and give space to Ruhaan to sat near Aaravi. She can understand his shock and fear. After all, his daughter is his life. He can't her like this.

Patting his shoulder, Pallavi give him a small smile and went out leaving both the parent with their doll.

"You love scaring your Dad. Just wake up soon then no one can save you from my scold," he said in low voice while stroking her head.

Siya playfully scoff and said,
"See who is talking about scolding. Ruhaan ji, you will forget this as soon as she look at you with her cutest gaze,"

Ruhaan chuckle and nodded totally agreeing with his wife. He place few kisses on her head and temple,
"My doll only deserves love and care. I won't let anything hurt her," he whispered staring at Aaravi with adoration-filled eyes.

Siya smiles looking at their daughter.

Ruhaan careful place sleeping Aaravi on the backseat of car with Siya. He close the door and turn to Pallavi.

"We are going, Ma. Take care of yourself. Keep visiting home whenever you want. Mumma misses her friend," Ruhaan said and touch her feet taking her blessing.

"I will soon come. You guys also take care. Don't let Aaravi come here for few days. And here is the prescription of her medicine," Ruhaan took the paper and hug her before driving away from there.

"Daddy..." Aaravi called Ruhaan in her sleep.

"Yes princess, I am here," Ruhaan said lovingly holding her small hand.

"My head is paining," she whispered frowning in pain.

"You will fine, baby. Let me massage you head," he said in his sweetest voice and started massaging her head.

"You are best Dad, you know" Ruhaan chuckled at her sleepy talk. Aaravi smiles weakly and again sleeps.

"This girl..I am so done with her. Never eat vegetables and fruits as if they bite her. Just give her junk food all the time. See now what happens. Now I am not going to listen to you. You will eat whatever I give," Siya scold Aaravi in a soft voice while feeding her vegetable soup.

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