Happy Family

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It was the beginning of the spring season, with the sun bright in the sky, and the birds harmonising with the breeze. The flowers yawning away their sleepiness as they open up their beautiful picture to the world, blooming to show a delightful image.

The sun rays looked eager as they spread all around the dark room making it brightly lit as the rays scattered all over the place.

'Rise and shine~'

'You're so cheesy hyung.' Yujin chuckled as he pulled the bed sheet on his head refusing the pecks given by the sun rays.

'You don't hate it though.' Gyuvin said as he went over the boy making yujin struggle to get out of the bedsheet, while Gyuvin was letting out an evil laugh as he started tickling yujin making laughter erupt from within him.

Gyuvin then pulled the sheet down and was face close to yujin's who was currently smiling because of the past activity leading Gyuvin to do the same as he squished his cheeks and gave him kisses all over his face making the younger giggle at the action.

'Hyung~let me go I need to take a bath~' Yujin whined as he tried to get away from Gyuvin's strong hold to which Gyuvin finally let go.

'You're so annoying.' Yujin Whispered, 'I'm what?' Gyuvin said ready to launch at a scared Yujin who ran for his life towards the bathroom but a she was about to open the door Gyuvin grabbed him but yujin kissed him making Gyuvin surprised but he kissed back nonetheless, so yujin took it as an opportunity as his hands got loose so he winked one last time before closing the door behind him.

'Han yujin you little brat! How could you trick me with your little spell!' Gyuvin whined as he kicked the door only to regret as he winced in pain.

'Not my fault You're dumb.' Yujin yelled laughing at the other side of the door.

'Just you wait I won't feed you I swear!' Gyuvin said then smirked at yujin apologising.


'Hyung, what are you doing?' Yujin said as he back hugged Gyuvin as he tiptoed to see whatever Gyuvin was baking as of the moment.

'Damn you're tall.' Yujin grimaced as he huffed in annoyance.

'Or maybe you're just short.' Gyuvin teased while looking around in a mocking way pretending he couldn't see yujin resulting in a pinch in his nipples making him screech in pain.

'Deserved.' Yujin said as he ran away with Gyuvin running behind him.

They both plopped on the sofa after a fit of running which didn't get them anywhere.

'You're fast for someone with short legs.' Gyuvin said, then chugged in a bottle of water.

'I'm literally 181 hyung.' Yujin said not amused.

'Yeah yeah still sho- wait what's that smell?' Gyuvin said sniffing making yujin do the same.

'THE FOOD!' Both of them shouted In realisation as they ran towards the kitchen tuning the stove on as they threw the pot in the sink and opened the water to the the fire.

The fire alarm was going craze as the whole house started getting soaked wet, all because of their irresponsible asses.

'WHAT HAPPENED? GYUVIN! YUJIN! WHERE ARE YOU?' A stressed zhanghao appeared with Hanbin behind him both looking messy with hair all shabby and clothes crumbled, as they searched for the two.

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