The Weird Twist

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'Yujin? Omg baby you're here? I thought you said you couldn't come, wait is that a surprise arrival?!? Omg you're the best boyfriend any girl could ask for.' The girl went on and on being super annoying while clinging onto the poor guys arms like a damn koala.

'Yeah. Surprise!' He said through gritted teeth and a sarcastic smile.

'I knew you love me. Andrea was wrong, you won't marry that Prince but me right?' She said looking at him a little too disgustingly to his liking.

'What Prince?' He asked her.

'Oh? You don't know him? How come? He's like so handsome, but that doesn't matter, he's gay after all.' She said showing him her phone of a handsome looking man with a crown on his head, looking much ethereal.

'What if I did like him?' He said looking at her with a hidden smirk.

'No you don't, you're not a fag-' lin said before feeling a firm hand on her throat.

'DON'T FUCKING SAY THAT!' Yujin shouted at her face, making lin shake in fear.

'Why? Are you gay? Eww disgusting! I knew it! You look at guys as if you want to be fucked right there you fa-'


'I put up with you for alot, should've killed you earlier you useless bitch.' He said before going away from the place.


'You did what?' A woman shouted at the one and only Han Yujin.

'Mom you don't get it, she was annoying Ok? I won't marry her.' He said rolling his eyes at his mother's unnecessary commotion.

'We'll you don't have to anymore because you killed her!' She shouted at him turning really red during the process.

'She deserved it.' He said while munching his popcorn totally unfazed.

'You're just like your father! Can't control their anger issues at all!' She said all frustrated.

'Why me? Look at you, you look like you're about to explode.' Yujin's dad said absolutely offended with her ranting.

'Yes because you're responsible son just killed his fiancé!' She said actually looking like she could burst any moment.

'So what? He's handsome any girl is gonna get to his feet in no time.' He said looking as unfazed as yujin. Like son like father indeed.

'Not a must.' Yujin said.

'What is?' His mother asked in confusion.

'I mean my fiancé being a female, it's not a must.' He said still munching on his popcorn.

'Hahaha you? With a man? Hahahaha oh my god, yup definitely like his father.' Mrs. Han said laughing at her sons words.

'I'm not joking, in fact I even found someone.' He said putting down his popcorn now.

'Are you serious? Who is that I might ask?' His father asked this turn getting curious about his son finally mentioning someone.

'I don't know his name...' He said bringing the popcorn in his mouth again.


'Go out before I kill you this Instant.' His mother said with balled fists.

'OK OK chill mom~' He said teasingly then running out when his mother stood up.

'Huhh I wish he could for once be serious.' She said massaging her temples.

'Yeah...' Mr. Han said making his wife side eye him.

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