Izuku Midoriya

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Hey guys, so this story was actually my Patreon story, but I decided to delete my Patreon account, so I'm posting it on here now. Hope you like it! ☺️

Izuku pov (13 years)

I slowly flutter my eyes open to find myself laying on the living room floor, a small pool of blood around my head along with a few glass shards from when my dad hit me with a beer bottle, all because I came home a few minutes late.

I'm usually home on time, 3:45 on the dot, sometimes if I'm lucky I come home a little bit earlier, but today I got held back by my art teacher because she decided to take ten minutes to congratulate me on my project.

I let out a groan as I slowly push myself up onto my forearms, reaching up and grabbing the side of my head, I wince slightly as my head throbs in pain, my hand becoming sticky with the drying blood. I suddenly hear a loud scream followed by a "YOU STUPID BITCH!" then a loud slapping noise.

I roll my eyes and slowly stand up as my parents start arguing with each other, as I make my way down the hall and into my room I peek into their room where I see dad grabbing mom by the hair and mom scratching dads face.

I hurry past their room and walk into mine, quietly closing the door behind myself as the yelling continues. I walk into my bathroom and grab the shower head before sitting down on my knees in front of the tub.

I turn the water on, turning the dial until it comes out nice and warm before leaning forward and wetting my hair. I carefully run my fingers through my hair, being gentle with the cut.

After cleaning it, I go to my feet and grab my face towel, softly drying my hair with it for a few minutes. Once my hair has thoroughly dried, I grab some ointment and carefully apply it to the wound before wrapping my head up with some bandages.

When I finish taking care of the wound, I take off my uniform, dropping it into my dirty clothes bin and walk out of the bathroom. I slip on some black sweats and a black hoodie before walking back out of the room, going into the kitchen to make some lunch.

I open the fridge and look around for a few seconds before deciding to make Yakisoba. I open the vegetable drawer and pull out the cabbage, an onion, two carrots, a crown of broccoli, and half a ginger root. I quickly set everything down on the counter before moving back towards the fridge.

I pull out a pack of chicken breast, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, and sriracha sauce. After putting everything down beside the vegetables, I reach into the cupboard, grabbing the vegetable oil, sesame oil, and sugar.

I then walk over to the food closet, grabbing a pack of rice noodles before making my way over to the counter. "What'd ya dorin?" I look over at my obviously drunken father as he stumbles up to me, a beer bottle looking just about ready to slip from his grasp. "I'm making Yakisoba"

He lets out a hum as he takes another swig from the bottle before walking away, tripping slightly as he does. I watch as mom walks out of the hallway with a black eye, a bloody nose, and a busted lip. She makes her way over to the couch before sitting down and leaning forwards, snorting up the white powder line on the coffee table.

I let out a small sigh, shaking my head in disappointment before going back to my cooking. I love cooking, it's my safe place, the only time my parents won't take their anger out on me because I'm making them food, and if they hurt me then I'll either get blood in the food or they just won't eat.

I grab a potato peeler and start peeling the ginger and carrots before grabbing the cheese grater, I turn it twice before I find the side with large holes on it and start grating the ginger and carrots. Once I'm done with that I remove the core from the cabbage and slice both the onion and cabbage into thin strips.

I then cut the broccoli into bite-sized pieces before slicing the chicken into thin strips as well. When I have everything ready for cooking I grab a medium sized pot and fill it half way up with water, tuning the heat on high so that the water can boil faster.

I grab a large skillet from under the sink and quickly rinse it off before putting it over the stove, once it dries, I pour in some vegetable oil, turning the fire down to a medium-high flame instead.

"Oh, yes! Like that~" I blink a few times before turning my head to the side, seeing dad hovering over mom as he thrust into her, my mother letting out some moans as he speeds up 'that looks painful' "the fucsh ya look'n a (hiccup) at?!" "nothing"

"Ya wanna join?" "I'm cooking" 'who ask their child to join them? That's disgusting' I look back down at the skillet as I wait for the oil to heat up while ignoring my parents on the couch.

When the oil is hot, I add the grated ginger and let it saute for about a minute before adding the chicken strips, cooking them until they're no longer pink.

Once the chicken is cooked through, I add all of the vegetables, stirring them until they wilt. As I wait for the vegetables to cook, I grab the packet of rice noodles and drop them into the water, turning the flame down to a medium before covering the pot with a glass lid.

I continue stirring the vegetables in the skillet for a little bit longer and after three minutes, the noodles are done. I turn off the stove and slowly drain the water, after that I put the pot back on the stove, adding some sesame oil to keep it from sticking to the bottom of the pot.

In a small bowl, I then combine the soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, sriracha, and sugar, only using half a teaspoon of sriracha since my parents don't like spicy food, I stir everything together until the ketchup and sugar are dissolved

I then pour the sauce into the skillet with the chicken and vegetables. After that, I add the noodles, stirring slowly to coat everything in the sauce, I let everything sit for a few more minutes before grabbing three plates and serving a good amount onto them.

"Lunch is ready" "good timing, we just finished" dad walks past me while smoking a cigarette and sits down at the table. I set all three plates down and look back at mom to see her injecting herself with crack before dragging her feet over to the table.

I start to sit down when my father suddenly throws the salt shaker at my head, a small trickle of blood running down my face as I look up at him "you don't expect me to eat this alone do you?!"

"Sorry father, I forgot" "WELL DON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!!" I stand up and walk to the kitchen again, opening the fridge and pulling out two beers, a can of soda, and some orange juice. I quickly serve myself the juice and put the gallon back before hearing my dad yell again.

"HURRY UP WILL YOU?!" "coming!" I speed walk back over to the table before setting everything down. I put my hands together before softly saying "Itadakimasu" and digging into the food along with my parents.

Hey guys, so this is more of an origin of some sorts, just to show what life is like at home. The next two chapters will be like this, with Todoroki and Bakugou. I hope you guys enjoy! ❤️🤍🧡💚

1352 words

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