Chapter 8

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Training the next day was full of conversation between Bucky and I. There were many back-and-forths regarding Steve and everything to do with him. We agreed on almost everything, except what we thought Steve actually wanted. I thought he wanted to be fighting instead of touring, but Bucky insisted Steve wouldn't have gone on the tours unless he wanted to. 

Everyday was the same, as in we had training from 6am to 8pm. It was a lot of time with Bucky-  and the other guys too. The four of us lead training each day, but Bucky usually took most control.

There were a few snide comments towards me, similar to those which Peggy got for being a woman in the Army, especially a british one. About two weeks in, we were all warmed up to eachother and it felt like normal again, except Dave was my new Steve, and Bucky was my new Howard. 

There would be some moments with Bucky that would remind me of Howard, and it absolutely killed me to be around him whenever those thoughts entered my mind. Then again, everything just sort of felt right when we were together, like with Howard, so I couldn't bring myself to stay away.


Several months had passed and as a whole, we were all still just training. It was unclear what for, though, as Colonel Phillips hadn't sent us a single mission the whole time. Dave had a strong feeling the Colonel was trying to find another way for us to shut down the same Hydra base Johnny and Elliot died in.

On the bright side, the guys were completely normal with me by that point, especially Bucky. Being around each other all the time since we were in charge of almost everything in 107th, we'd gotten to be really good friends. Preston and Dave were with us most of the time too, but Bucky and I had higher clearance and authority, so we did most of everything. Sometimes, though, I'd catch Bucky looking at me in certain ways that were more than friend-ly. Honestly, I'd also catch myself giving him those types of looks too.


Bucky walked into the rec center with a flyer.

"Did you see this yet?" He had a joyful attitude.

He set it down on the table we were all sitting at, and laid it out flat. It was Steve's tour dates.

I smiled, "You gotta be kidding me." 

Bucky sat next to me on the bench I was on, "I know, isn't it great? He'll be here on the 16th, that's only a couple weeks from now."

Preston asked, "So what is he like only 'performing' or whatever for 107th?"

"I think so." I said, double checking the flyer. "Yeah, we should tell everyone tomorrow, make sure they know."

"Alright. Hey, you wanna help me make the schedule for tomorrow? You know, since it's in like 7 hours." Bucky smiled.

Most nights were late ones spent in the rec center together, the four of us. Preston and Dave usually went to sleep while we did schedules, since they always has the worst ideas and organization skills. 

Dave stood up, "And that's our cue." 

Preston downed the last of his whiskey and they both said goodnight as they left to go to their cabins for the night. We spent the next hour on the schedule, well, mostly the schedule. Every time we would make eye contact while talking, it felt like he was subtly smirking at me the whole time.

"Alright, well if we're done here then I'm off to bed." I said, taking my last sip of water.

"Well, we're not quite done. Unless you think we should be." 

I knew exactly what he was saying. Hell, even the birds outside knew what he was saying. 

I didn't know what to say, though, so I sort of just sat there and held his gaze. He too was silent, just looking at me. Well, me and my lips. We were really close to eachother, I mean really close.

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