Goodbye for now

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I know it's not here yet but I can't believe that I'm saying this but WHO CARES.
Harlee's POV
I woke up and remember that yesterday was Daehyun's birthday I ran downstairs and they were all watching tv. I asked "All packed? Ready to go?" "Yes eomma." They replied. "What time is does your plane leave?" They didn't answer. "Guys wha..." I was cut off by Youngjae,"30 minutes." They all looked down. "WHAT?!? I nearly yelled but it is still pretty loud. My eyes started to water. Jongup, Daehyun, and Youngjae all went up to me and comfort me. Yongguk couldn't take it so he went upstairs and got Rap Monster and Suga. He told them to take care of me, Robert, and Zelo. He told them everything that they need to know. I started to cry because my brothers are leaving me 😭😭😭. When they had to leave I went upstairs and laid back down. I put on my headphones and started to listen to Tiger JK Reset. Robert came upstairs looked at me a looked down. I took off my headphones and asked, "What's wrong, Robert?","It's just that you never act like this when you lose someone or something. So it feels different." it is true I never act like that I'll just talk about it. I went downstairs and started to watch tv. I didn't see anything sad so I decided to watch sad videos on YouTube. I watched things that had to do with sad deaths and everything. Suga came downstairs and saw you crying he looked over to the tv and saw you were watching sad deaths from random korean dramas. I started to get tried from all the crying that you put on your headphones and fell asleep to bts 하루만.
Suga P.O.V
I went downstairs to see that Harlee is crying. Yongguk said that she will get over it herself. I went past her and I guess she didn't notice. I went through the fridge and heard the TV turn off. I walked over to see that she's asleep. Since she had her music all the up so I heard that she was listening to 하루만. I was shocked because I was told she is to most likely listen to B.A.P most of the time I go and see if Robert is asleep. And yes, he is. I go back downstairs and picked up Harlee I take her to her room and laid her next to Robert. I covered them both with a blanket and right away they started to cuddle. So do they really love each other?? I walk over to hangout with the guys. I sat down on my bunk watching Jimin and Jungkook fight over something stupid I bet. Of course I wasn't paying attention to the argument. All of the sudden I here Harlee's name get tossed in there. "Wait what?!?" I said as soon I heard Harlee's name. "They were fighting over who is better for Harlee." Rap Mon inferred me. Aish these boys. "Harlee is dating Robert. They've been dating since 8th grade."
I'm gonna end it here. Plz watch the video above. I'm tired so yea.

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