Chapter 6: Bitter Past

Start from the beginning

"Glad it was to your liking."

Yang: "Have you been living out here?"

You were silent for a moment.


Yang: "Why? The city, even the villages have rooms and showers. Why are you living out here?"

"Yang," you hesitated, "remember how I told you about my old team and the leader?"

Yang: "Yeah, why?"

"I was that leader."

Yang: "You were the leader? But you said they were arrogant, and you are just the opposite."

"But I was arrogant. I... I didn't listen to anybody. I just thought I was always right, and blamed everyone else when things went wrong. Until the last mission before graduation, I ended up damaging an aircraft engine and caused the thing to plummet. Everyone insisted on evacuating, but I demanded that we remain. I thought I could save it. I keep ignoring everyone else and caused the thing to crash."

Yang: "What happened after that?"

You pulled up his right arm sleeve and his pants from the ankles, revealing the prosthesis that replaced your limbs.

"I work up in an emergency room and found out my limbs were damaged beyond repair. They needed to replace them. A professor was in the room and told me about my mistake and how it cost me one of my teammates. He gave me my license and left the room after telling me things are only going to get difficult from that point on."

Yang: "How did you take it?"

"Not well. I didn't care if I was underage, I just turned to the bottle whenever I could until I came across a Huntsman and they told me to do what I failed to do. It was then that I would fight for those who can't protect themselves and I finally sobered up. I manage to win Solaris in a bet and started traveling the world. I don't accept so much Lien cause money is one reason I was a dick, and I started sleeping in the wilderness because I knew that if I stayed in the cities, I would eventually come across those I was supposed to lead. I couldn't look them in the eyes after the train wreck I caused."

Yang: "Well, you're trying to make up for everything. You did learn your lesson and are now fighting for others. It's a really good start."

"I don't deserve those words."

Yang: "Well, I think you do. Honestly, I never took responsibility for situations either. That's kinda what led to a falling out between me and my sister. I was lucky to have a shaky second chance. Same for my ex-girlfriend. I was lucky we were still able to talk to each other. But, all of us still meet every once in a while. I think you should give it a try."

"I don't know If I can make up for it, but I'll try to talk to my former team."

Yang: "That's the spirit."

Yang looked up at the sky and saw that it has gotten dark out.

Yang: "Hey, is it okay if I stay here for the night?"


The Fighter and The Swordsman (Yang Xiao Long x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now