7k Special!!!

174 4 1

ty Mistress_of_Evil <33333
(i am sorry for aggressively confessing to you after you told gave me that idea)

please ignore that kobeni and power aren't introduced yet. this isn't apart of the story :)


Aoi needed clothes and Akako was happy to help! However they were joined by a few too many coworkers...

Poor Aoi was simply looking forward to spending the day with his caretaker. He did not want 5 others to follow him and her around through the stores. Especially not a demon, a half demon, a crybaby girl, the weird guy who makes him food, and Akako's boss who lowkey was crushing on her.

Great fun!

The ride to the stores were the easiest part. Aki drove calmly while Makima gave him directions. Power and Denji were arguing in the back and Kobeni was mumbling about wanting to get out of the car as soon as possible. Aoi got to talk with his mom so all the problems in the back of the car disappeared to his mind.

The shopping however was not so easy.

Makima insisted on following Akako around. Denji claimed that he needed to protect Akako. Power was trying to lead the group. Aki followed so that no one would destroy anything. And Kobeni didn't want to be left alone. Aoi desperately clung to his mom's sweater, wishing she would tell her coworkers off.

"I thought you guys were going to go buy your own stuff?" Akako asked, turning around to look at the group. Aoi rejoiced, thinking his mom would finally tell them all off.

There was a resounding silence from everyone.

"Well, I simply wanted to make sure you were safe. The last time you went shopping you got attacked, remember?" Makima smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. She was the closest to Akako, not including Aoi. There was a distance between her and the others, as if she was putting a barrier around Akako.

"Oh, I suppose you're right." Akako shrugged, going along with it. Aoi knew his mom suspected it was an excuse.

"And I... Uh..." Denji grinned. "Clothes! I wanted to look at clothes!"

Akako raised an eyebrow.

"Me too!" Power shouted, gaining the attention of the other customers and cashiers. They side eyed her.

"I needed... a new shirt..." Kobeni mumbled, not happy about the stares from the other people.

"Those two would go off and do something moronic without me." Aki rolled his eyes, a slight blush on his cheeks.

Aoi knew his mom had now realized the other 5 weren't actually planning on buying anything for themselves. Akako let out a long breath and held Aoi close as she began walking.


Aoi's jaw dropped as he looked up at his mom. Why was she letting those annoying people tag along?! He grabbed onto her sleeve so he wouldn't lose his mom.

This wasn't fair! It was supposed to be him and Akako today... but everyone else was trying to get her attention!


The group looked around a family clothing store. Despite most of them claiming to need new clothes, all 5 of Akako's coworkers were with her as she looked through the boys section.

This is cute! Does Aoi like frogs though? She furrowed her brows as she looked through the clothes. Aoi clung onto her sleeve. Was this a bad idea? Does he feel uncomfortable out in public? She pursed her lips, feeling sorry for her son.

Makima was the only one genuinely helping her. Her boss was holding out clothes she thought were cute and showing them to Akako. Meanwhile, Aki was babysitting Power(who was being very loud about her opinions on human things) and Denji(who was loud just in general). Kobeni was beginning to walk over to the women's section.

Oh, she wasn't lying. Akako smiled as she thought. She was happy to see Kobeni stepping somewhat out of her shell.

"Aoi, do you like this?" Akako smiled brightly as she held up a t shirt with a cute, but poorly drawn frog.

Aoi looked up at the shirt, his expression changing from confused to hesitating to forcefully happy. "Yeah! I like it!" He forced a smile.

He doesn't like it!!!! Akako mentally cried in despair. "Actually, maybe we should focus on easy to style clothes." She copied Aoi and forced a smile as well.

"Okay," Aoi said. He genuinely smiled like he was relieved. Akako patted his head and they both turned to look at the jeans just to get a few pairs.


Should I just go buy more clothes for Akako? She looked good in the dress I got her before, Makima thought as she mindlessly looked through clothes. She was a bit disappointed when she noticed Akako(and Aoi) had moved on from the shirts. However, it gave her an opportunity to go over to the women's section.

Should I get her a shirt? Maybe some leggings? What's her pant size? Makima thought as she walked to the women's section. She spotted several members of the group, but chose to ignore them.

She decided instead to get Akako even more dresses, despite her not having many reasons to wear dresses. She really just wanted to give Akako the form fitting ones... but she supposed it'd be a good idea to get her a few loose dresses.


"Hayakawa Aki, please collect your... children... at the front." The voice of a tired cashier speaking into a microphone echoed throughout the store.

Aki grumbled. This was his karma for turning around once to look at shirts. Power and Denji must have gotten distracted...

He walked to the front, finding Power and Denji looking at him with shit eating grin. He grabbed them by their collars and hauled them back to Akako, hoping she would take care of them better. He would stick around too... just to make sure those two didn't get in trouble again! Not to see Akako...

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