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Only a few devils could come close to being human-like. The Heart Devil was one of these few, who could blend in with the animals that ruin the earth claiming to be above the order of nature despite losing to land turtles and parasite infested sharks in terms of life spans.

A young girl, only a few years old, stood infront of this devil. Her parents dead, limbs and organs thrown around. She didn't know what was happening, a feeling deep within her soul told her that she should run. Although she knew there was no way she would outrun a devil.

A devil was still a devil at the end of the day. Regardless of this one's large range of emotions.

The Heart Devil was in the shape of a person. He clawed at his face while rocking back and forth and staring at the newly red walls, terrified of what he had done. He killed people, many people, but felt overwhelming remorse in this moment. The fool thought anger was a controllable thing, something that he, a creature above humans, would be fine dealing with. His anger was the reason he had killed so many people. He thought about the little girl behind him, without parents or any other family members and the blood of her kin staining his clothes so much it colored his skin.

"H-hey," he croaked out, slowly turning around to her as if she were a skittish animal. She stared at him blankly, her eyes sometimes glancing to the mangled bodies around her. "What's... your name?"

"Akako," she answered. Her voice sounded the same as any her age, although an authortative quality shined through. A realization the devil had made the remorse he felt disappear, fear arising deep within him.

The little girl infront of him was the daughter of a private devil hunting clan. A clan known for finding powerful devils to merge with when the new members are only babies. The girl was already merged, but was not old enough to be in control. If she was allowed to live unchecked, especially after what had happened to her- what he had done, Well, the world was as good as gone if that happened.

She was not a pitiful orphan girl to him now, she was a responsibility of his. He got up, small scratches on his face bleeding, and slowly reached towards her. She only stared at him, watching as his arms picked her up by the waist and held her close to chest. A hand gently pushed her head to his shoulder as he began to walk away from the scene of his crime.

He wondered how this looked to any of the servants still around. He could see them out of the corners of his eyes, cowering on the ground, praying to whatever god they thought looked over them in the abyss of the sky.

The heart devil felt himself become angry again. They were watching the only living member of the clan they serve being taken away by the same devil that killed every single one of their masters and mistresses only a few minutes ago. How dare they not run to take Akako back. He held her tighter, trying to remind himself that he should not kill them. After all, humans have always been cowards. Their reactions were nothing new.

Akako did not seem to care about the servants around her, only staring at them as she absentmindedly played with the long brown hair of the heart devil as she hummed a nusery rhyme to herself. She wondered if her parents were going to come back, or maybe the creatures they placed into themselves would return. She did not understand the concept of devils even though she was merged with one.

"What's your name?" she asked the Heart Devil.

He looked back at her, calculating his answer. He didn't have a name expect for his devil title.

" You can give me my name," he decided. She probably would pick something average, she didn't seem the type to name things after silly things-

"Fuwa Fuwa," she said, playing with his hair again.


He stopped walking. "what?" he said, hoping she did not name him 'fluffy fluffy'.

"Fuwa Fuwa." she repeated. "your name, Fuwa Fuwa."

He decided not to argue. "Okay, kid."

Akako pulled on his hair.

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