Chapter 42

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Mamoru drove like a maniac. The only thing he could think about was finding Shin. Angel still had no idea where they were headed, but she stuck close to Mamoru. Finally, Mamoru brought his motorcycle to a halt, and Angel pulled up beside him. She flipped up her visor and looked at the dilapidated building in front of them. It was an old textile factory, with only the basic structure remaining.

"Are you sure he's here?" Angel whispered in disbelief.

Mamoru turned off the engine, removed his helmet, and dismounted. "Yes, more than sure. This is the place where I shot his father back then. He wants to end it where it began." Mamoru pointed to a collapsed tower. "I was up there. Our squad leader had assigned me as a sniper for the first time. Celeste was in one of the ground teams back then, and you were still far from being assigned to external missions. They had her captive, and I was ordered not to shoot, but you know she's like a sister to me. I disobeyed the order and fired. Celeste managed to free herself because of that. It saved her life; that was all that mattered to me in that moment. I don't know how Shin managed to recognize me from that distance, but..." Mamoru trailed off. He had decided that Angel knew enough now. He didn't want to dwell on the past any longer. He would end it today. He would avenge Bunny. Shin would regret what he had done to her.

Unnoticed, Angel took her phone out of her pocket and sent her location to Celeste.

Mamoru scanned the area and pondered his next move.

Seiya was still by Bunny's bedside, holding her hand. There was a soft knock at the door, and his head snapped up. Yaten and Taiki entered the room quietly.

"Here, we brought you some things. There's a shower at the end of the hallway, so you can freshen up a bit," Yaten said, handing Seiya a bag.

"I won't leave her alone," Seiya replied.

"Seiya, it's just down the hall. Yaten and I will stay with her until you're back. She'll be safe," Taiki tried, looking down at Seiya earnestly. Seiya knew his brothers wouldn't let it go, so he gave in. He planted a kiss on Bunny's forehead, gently ran his fingers over hers one more time, and took the bag from Yaten. "I'll be quick. If anything happens, let me know right away."

Yaten settled into the chair Seiya had been in. "Man, she really took a beating."

Taiki nodded in agreement. "Yes, she's lucky to be alive at all."

Seiya was back in record time. He had tied his wet hair back, put on clean pants and an oversized shirt, but his face still looked awful. "Seiya, what about eating and sleeping?" Taiki tried to sound casual, but he was concerned.

"I've... slept at some point," Seiya muttered and sat back in his seat.

The two brothers exchanged a glance; one knew exactly what the other was thinking.

But they also knew how much of a stubborn mule Seiya could be and that they wouldn't get him to leave the hospital. Yaten patted Taiki on the shoulder. "I'll get him something."

Celeste hesitated as she glanced at her phone and saw the location that Angel had sent her. Swiftly, she got up, called Diamond and Saphir to her side. It had been a while since she had been on an external mission herself, but she couldn't help it. She had to go there herself.

Meanwhile, Mamoru and Angel had circled the building once. They couldn't see anything from the outside that indicated Shin's presence. They cautiously entered the building, their eyes scanning every corner. Mamoru had drawn his weapon, ready for action. Angel followed suit, also with her weapon drawn, ready to intervene at any moment. They passed old machines and broken windows when suddenly they heard a noise. Mamoru flinched and turned towards the direction of the sound. But it was just a rat scurrying through the building. He let out a relieved breath and they continued.

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