Chapter 6

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Bunny had a busy schedule today. First, she had an appointment at the hairdresser's. After breakfast, she decided it was time for a change. In the afternoon, she had plans to meet with the other girls at the Hikawa Temple, and in the evening, she was going out with Mamoru.

Luckily, the hairdresser could fit her in for a haircut today. Excitedly, she pushed open the door to the salon. "Hello, do you have an appointment?" asked a young, quirky woman with colorful hair.

"Yes, I do, Tsukino. I'd like a haircut," replied Bunny.

"I see, your appointment is with me. Come on in. You have quite long hair. How short would you like to go?" the hairdresser tried to start a conversation.

Bunny hesitated for a moment, then nervously sat down on the chair and said, "Shoulder-length, please."

As she heard the first snip of the scissors, she felt a bit uneasy, but she stayed seated. Bunny was afraid to look in the mirror, but when she finally did, she liked her new look. It was very different, but it made her feel like a young, attractive woman who looked more grown-up.

When Bunny arrived at the Hikawa Temple, her friends were already waiting for her. But as she entered, they were all left speechless.

"Bunny? What happened to your hair?" Makoto asked as she found her words again. Bunny ran her hand through her new length. "I went to the hairdresser's. How do you like it?"

"Well, I think it suits you. We just need some time to get used to it," said Ami.

"How did you end up going to the hairdresser's today?" Minako wondered.

"I don't know. I just wanted to try something new. What did you all do today?" Bunny shrugged and took a seat.

Minako suddenly started giggling at the question. "You'll never believe what happened to me while I was shopping today." Curious, all the girls huddled closer and waited for Minako to begin her story.

"My mom asked me to pick up some groceries, so I went to the supermarket around the corner. Then, out of nowhere, this cute guy appeared next to me and cleared his throat. At first, I thought he wanted to flirt, but he just reached for a packet of rice. Later, when I stopped at the ice cream parlor, I heard someone calling my name. I looked around, but I couldn't see anyone I knew. Just as I was about to turn around, that same guy from the supermarket was there again. I have no idea who he was, but he knew my name and kept apologizing to me."

"What did you do? Do you know him?" Rei asked.

Minako shook her head. "I left him there; I have absolutely no idea who he was. If he had politely asked for a date or something, I probably wouldn't have said no, but it was just strange."

"And are you really sure you don't know him? He seemed to know exactly who you were," Makoto pondered.

"Yes, I'm telling you. I would definitely remember those bright green eyes; they were unique," Minako insisted.

"Well, a cute guy with unique eyes starts apologizing to you, and you just run away and leave him there? Why didn't you just play along?" Makoto continued.

"No, it's probably good that she left. What if he's a stalker or something? If she says she doesn't know him, how does he know her name? Something's fishy," Rei said calmly.

The girls continued discussing Minako's strange encounter, Bunny's new hairstyle, and their plans for the weekend. It was a joyful atmosphere among friends. Then, there was a knock on the door, and Mamoru entered.

"Hello, everyone. I came to pick up Bunny. Have you seen her?" Bunny, sitting with her back to him, stifled a laugh. Mamoru seemed not to recognize her until she turned her head, and then he realized it was her.

"Bunny? What did you do to your hair?" he stammered and helped her up.

"Do you like it?" she chirped, swinging her hair from side to side.

"Uh... I think I need some time to get used to it... it's so... short."

"Does that mean you don't like it?" Bunny made a fake pout.

"No, no, of course, I like it. You look great," he quickly replied and wrapped his arms around her.

"That's good then. Shall we go now?" She leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He nodded, and they said goodbye to the rest of the group.

Mamoru held her hand on the way to the car, and Bunny looked dreamily up at the night sky. "What did you wish for on the shooting star last night?" Mamoru asked.

"I can't tell. Otherwise, it won't come true," Bunny replied, but in her heart, she echoed the wish she made last night: "I wish for an endless love." With that thought, she snuggled into Mamoru's arm.

A little later, he stopped in front of his apartment. "Um... I thought we were going out," Bunny said, surprised. Mamoru gently placed a hand on her thigh.

"Home is cozier, don't you think? We can order some food and watch a movie. Or do you feel uncomfortable?"

Bunny hesitated for a moment. Going with him now would mean being alone with him in his apartment, and that made her stomach flutter with excitement. But something deep inside warned her against making a mistake. "Bunny, is everything alright?" Mamoru asked again, as he hadn't received an answer yet.

Bunny quickly pushed aside her doubts, leaned in toward him, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Yes, everything's fine."

They ordered food and cuddled up on his sofa. Two candles burned on the table in front of them, creating a romantic atmosphere. Bunny rested her head on Mamoru's chest and listened to his heartbeat as he gently stroked her back. Suddenly, she noticed his hand moving under her shirt. Bunny held her breath. His fingers traced her skin, and Bunny tensed up. Mamoru noticed her tension. "Relax. We won't do anything you're not ready for," he whispered before kissing her. First gently, then his kisses became more demanding. Both of them shut out the world around them, and Bunny tried to relax. His hand was still on her back, and his other hand had unclasped her bra. Panic surged within Bunny, and she scooted back a bit.

"I'll be ready soon... but not tonight," she began to apologize. Mamoru calmly took her hand. "It's okay. You set the pace." Bunny looked at him gratefully and gave him a loving smile. "Thank you, and thanks for the lovely evening. But I think I want to go home now." A bit sad about the way the evening had turned out, Mamoru drove her home.

Bunny scolded herself in her thoughts. Why wasn't she ready to take the next step? She loved Mamoru, and they had been together for several years. She lay in bed, contemplating what had just happened. "I'm not a child anymore. I have to get it over with," she tried to encourage herself. Then she pulled the blanket up to her neck and hummed the melody that had been in her mind since the night before, until she fell asleep.

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