Chapter 9

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It was already dusk, and Seiya had been standing in front of a bar for quite some time. He was struggling with himself; he wanted to go in and drown his sorrows like so many times before. However, Bunny's gaze through the window, the way she had looked at him, haunted him. Was there still a chance for him? The moment she turned away from the window, panic set in, and he ran away. He realized he wasn't ready to talk to her yet, but seeing her even for that brief moment filled him with warmth. After such a long time, he had finally seen his "treasure" again, even if only for a short moment. That little moment was enough to give him the strength to move on and leave the bar behind.

As he entered the apartment, his brothers' heads turned upward.

"Where were you? I thought you were going home," Yaten began.

"Are you sober?" Taiki asked dryly.

Seiya sighed. He wasn't a little kid who needed constant supervision. "Yes, I'm sober. I went for a walk and lost track of time." He had no interest in facing a cross-examination. He quickly shut his bedroom door and was left alone with his thoughts.

Bunny sat on her bed, thinking about the peculiar man. Why did a complete stranger evoke such strong feelings in her? Why was he staring up at her room? Where did he suddenly disappear to when she came outside? So many questions swirled in her head without any answers.

There was a knock on her bedroom door, and Ikuko stuck her head in. "Bunny? Mamoru is on the phone," she said, holding the receiver out to her.

Bunny's heart skipped a beat. She quickly jumped up and took the phone from her mother's hand.


"Hello, Bunny. I just finished work and wanted to check in on how you're doing."

"Quite well, we went shopping today," Bunny replied, and then paused. Should she tell Mamoru about the man? But just as quickly as the thought came to her, she dismissed it. Mamoru laughed briefly.

"Did you find something nice?"

"Just a shirt... I didn't have enough money with me," Bunny murmured sheepishly. Again, a brief and affectionate laugh from Mamoru; he knew Bunny had difficulties managing her money.

"Then I hope you have a nice dress in your wardrobe."

"Why?" she asked curiously.

"The hospital is organizing a masquerade ball on Saturday – a charity event to raise funds for the new children's clinic. I wasn't planning to go, but our senior doctor made it very clear today that attendance is mandatory. I would be delighted if you would accompany me."

Bunny beamed. She would go to a ball with Mamoru.

"I'll find something suitable. I'm looking forward to it," Bunny sang with anticipation into the phone.

"Great, I'm glad. I'll pick you up on Saturday evening. Unfortunately, I won't be able to come by before that. I'll have split shifts for the next three days," Mamoru sighed. He often cursed his working hours, but he knew what he was doing it for. Just a few more years, and he would be a doctor.

"I'm looking forward to Saturday."

"Me too, Bunny. I love you."

At those words, Bunny hesitated for a moment, savoring the warmth they brought her. "I love you too, Mamoru," she whispered into the phone before hanging up.

She looked at the phone in her hand. She couldn't sleep yet. She was still too agitated about the man who stood outside her window. Should she have told Mamoru about him? No, she had to find out for herself what was going on with him. Maybe her friend Minako could help her.

Almost as if guided by her thoughts, her fingers dialed Minako's number.


"Mina, it's Bunny."

"Oh, Bunny, is everything okay? You left so quickly earlier."

"Yes, everything's fine. But hey, do you happen to know who the other guy was? The tall one with black hair who was next to the one you were hiding from?"

Minako became alert; she could tell from Bunny's tone that something had happened. "No, why? What's with him?"

Bunny took a deep breath. "He was standing here, right in front of my door."

"What? And what did he want?"

"If only I knew. He was standing downstairs, looking up at my room, at me. When I ran down to talk to him, he had disappeared. But it was somehow strange."

"Yes, it's definitely odd, but you know what's even stranger?" Minako asked.

Now Bunny's curiosity was piqued. "What?"

"When I came home earlier, there was a huge bouquet of flowers in front of the door. I first thought it was for my mom from my dad, but then I saw there was a card with my name on it."

Bunny's eyes widened in disbelief. "Don't keep me in suspense. Who were the flowers from?"

"Wait, let me read you the card," there was a brief rustling sound.

"Dear Mina,

I know it was shitty of me to just disappear like that.

I've had a lot of time to think about things these past few weeks.

You're important to me, very important.

That's why I'd like to invite you to dinner tomorrow evening.


"Who is Yaten?" Bunny asked, even more confused.

"I'm not sure, but I think he's the one with green eyes," Minako replied.

"And? Are you going to go?"

Minako was nervous and torn. "I don't know, actually, I'd like to know what he has to say... I'd like to ask him why he's been apologizing all this time... but what if Rei is right, and he really is a stalker? After all, he knows my name and exactly where I live. But whenever I think about him, I feel so... so... oh Bunny, I don't know."

Bunny could hear the mixed emotions in Minako's voice, and an idea struck her.

"Mina, give me the time and place again. He doesn't know Makoto and me. We'll just take a table there too, and if something happens, we can intervene."

"Would you really do that?"

"I'll call Mako first thing tomorrow morning. I want to know what's going on with these men," Bunny said resolutely.

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