Chapter 3

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"Seiya! Are you serious?!" Taiki yelled as he entered Seiya's living room. Empty bottles were scattered everywhere, and the place reeked of alcohol and stale cigarette smoke. Quickly, Yaten and Taiki opened the windows and turned on the lights. Seiya was lying on the sofa, holding a bottle of liquor in his hand, with a young, scantily clad brunette he didn't recognize resting in his arms. Blinded by the light, Seiya covered his eyes and grumbled in annoyance.

"Seiya! We need to talk to you," Yaten called out, giving his brother a tap on the back of his head.

"What?" Seiya mumbled.

"You need to stop this. Either Yaten has to pick you up from a bar and bring you home, or you end up causing a scene at home. This has been going on for three weeks now! We've had enough," Taiki said.

"Yeah, if you say so. Just close the door when you're done," Seiya slurred and attempted to go back to sleep.

Taiki and Yaten looked at each other in shock. They were deeply concerned about their brother. Since they returned to their planet, Seiya had completely changed and was gradually developing a serious alcohol problem.

Seiya couldn't bear the thought that he would never see Bunny again and that she would be happy with Mamoru. Alcohol helped him forget, at least temporarily.

Angrily, Yaten stomped into the bathroom and came back shortly with a cup of water. Taiki raised an eyebrow questioningly. "What are you planning to do?"

"You'll see," Yaten said and walked purposefully toward Seiya, a mischievous grin on his face. Seconds later, he emptied the cup directly over Seiya's head. When Seiya panicked and jumped up, he also pushed his still-sleeping companion off the sofa.

"Have you lost your mind?! What the hell is this? Even in his own apartment, a guy can't get some peace from you two! I'm an adult, and I can do what I want! Get out!" Seiya yelled at his brothers. The brunette, startled by the abrupt awakening and the shouting, pulled the blanket up to her neck, as she was only in her underwear. Taiki handed her her sweater, which was hanging on a chair nearby. Her lips formed a silent "thank you." Then he turned back to Seiya.

"The Princess wants to see us in an hour. So get up and get ready," Taiki said calmly.

"And you really need to shower; you stink," Yaten added.

Seiya let out an annoyed snort. "Thanks for the information. Now you can leave."

Taiki had already turned the doorknob when he glanced back. "In an hour, Seiya."

The brunette looked at him confusedly. "What was that about?"

"Oh, those were just my brothers. Pay no attention to them; they're always like that," Seiya said.

She carefully gathered her things. "Do you want to shower together?" she asked Seiya with a mischievous smile.

"No, to be honest, I'd prefer it if you left now," he grumbled, turning on the coffee maker. He was plagued by a massive headache and just wanted to be left alone. His visitor put on her shoes, and then slammed the door shut behind her. Seiya thought he heard something like "jerk" but he didn't care. He didn't care about much of anything. He opened the top drawer and popped two painkillers out of the package, washing them down with a large gulp of vodka. Then he slumped back onto the sofa. Under the sofa was a small box that he carefully pulled out. Slowly, he opened the lid, revealing two photos inside—one of him and Bunny together and one of her alone. He gently traced his finger over her face in the picture. When he felt tears welling up, he quickly closed the box, pushed it back into its place, and took another swig from the bottle.

"I bet he won't come," grumbled Yaten to Taiki. The two of them were standing outside the castle, waiting for Seiya.

"He still has a few minutes. Maybe we caught him on a good day," Taiki replied.

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