3. Sneak out

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" Tom? Come down eat! " Jessica yelled. She closed the door after she recieved chinese food for dinner. Tom came downstairs and tripped..

Tom hit his knee and it started to bleed but he didn't act hurt, he didn't let any emotion out of him.
" OH MY GOD TOM!! " Jessica yelled putting the chinese food on the table.

She ran up to him, " Hey Are you okay? " Jessica asked. Tom got up a bit and said " Yea i just tripped it's nothing much. " in a cold tone. He stood up and walked to the table like nothing happened.

Jessica said " I can bring the medicine kit with hydrogen and some cotton pads? " she said. Tom shaked his head, " No, it's fine really! " he said realising how much Jessica cared about him.

They sat down and started unpacking the chinese food. " How was school? " Tom asked.
Jessica rolled her eyes, " Why do you care? Care to explain why you were talking with that bitch Andrea? " Jessica said putting her chopsticks down aggressively.

" You are one aggressive girl! " Tom said, he laughed while Jessica was death staring him. " Okay well i was going to look for you but i bumped into Andrea or more like she bumped into me, she started asking me weird questions and her friends kept giggling.. " Tom said explaining.

Jessica let out a big sigh, " Ugh, don't talk to her she is a player and a bitch who wants attention! " She said and started eating her noodles. Tom looked at Jessica confused, " Why do you hate her so much? " He asked.

Jessica stopped chewing. " Why do you even care?! " She started getting red from the tears in her eyes.
Tom looked at his food, " Well i'm just asking why are you such enemies.. " he said.

Jessica took her food and went upstairs to eat alone.
" Hey where do you think youre going?! " Tom yelled. Jessica rolled her eyes and slammed her door behind her. She slid down by the door to sit down.

Jessica kept getting Flashbacks..

" Did i ever tell you about Jessicas Scars?.. "
" LET GO OF ME!!.. "
" I didn't want to be your friend anyway!.."

Jessica threw her food across the room and started crying, " Fuck her" She whispered to herself.. Her nose was so runny she almost couldn't breathe.

Suddenly she heard her phone ring, was Lucas. Jessica took a deep breathe and answered.

J-" Lucas? " She sniffed her nose.
L-"Is this Jessica?"
J-"Yes you can call me Jess.. "
L-"Okay so Jess i found out there is a party next to my house and the host there is my friend, you wanna come? " he asked.
J-"Sure give me um.. five minutes and i will try to sneak out soon "
L-"Uh actually i'm behind your house by your window and i have a ladder with me.. "

Jessica sniffed her nose.. " Oh? Wait i have to hang up i think Tom is coming!! "

She hung up and Lucas got confused " Tom?.. " he said to himself.

Jessica got up and locked her door, " Hello? Are you okay?! " Tom asked behind the locked door.

Jessica took her pants off and unlocked the door, she quickly got in her bed under the covers. " What? Come in! " she yelled.

Tom came in and looked at Jessica sleeping. " Well i guess someone remembers their bedtime.. " Tom said. Jessica nodded her head " Yeah i do but i almost fell asleep until you came in " She said rolling her eyes.

Tom laughed, " Okay sorry.. He went outside the room and turned to look at Jessica again..
" Goodnight. " He said in a angelic voice. Tom closed the door and Jessica got out of her bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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