Ben few choice word

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Aphrodite POV

Everyone sat around the huge table for dinner Wyatt and Aphrodite stood side to side at the head on the table raising her glass

"Now everyone Wyatt and I would love to thank you for being here for our wedding and for Wyatt to soon become Pharaoh iligitame father." Everyone claps minus Ben who rolled his eyes annoyed

"I can't be more than honor to soon marry the girl I'm with and be a great father to my boy Pharaoh." Ben scoffed disgusted but was heartbreaking seeing Pharaoh run over and smiled getting picked up by Wyatt

"I'm gonna be soon a Lykensen!" He said with joy Wyatt smiled brightly

"Why?" Ben spoke out everyone was shocked

"Why!? Cause some guy gonna marry the girl that should have married me!"

"Ben that's enough." Said Aphrodite strenly

"Seriously Ben your becoming bitter."

"Me! Bitter! Your just marrying her cause she's a monster just like you!"

"Ben!" Aphrodite snapped at him

"What is the truth!"

"Shut up beast!" Said Pharaoh growling lightly

"See! If you stayed with me at least our son would have some manners." Wyatt saw Pharaoh began to go quite but feels his arm being grab tightly

"Being raised by wolves and other monsters yeah that's gonna be a great trait for the future king of Auradon." Immediately made Pharaoh snap where he got on the table ran over and grabbed his own father by the collar harshly

"Shut up!" Everyone was stunned seeing son handle his own father

"I don't want to be king of Auradon or ever will be! I don't want anything to do with you! You never appreciated my mommy not like dad does! He treats her like a goddess! You only used her to make me! You know how many time I think my own mom hates me cause of you!"

"Pharaoh!" That broke Aphrodite heart everyone was shocked to hear what the young mummy prince said Pharaoh let Ben go but not before he went animalistic and attacked Ben

"Pharaoh!" Jay an Carlos grab him off Ben who Chad helps up and they see his holding his eye and side of his cheek where Pharaoh scratched him

"Go home and never come back!" Pharaoh screamed crying then ran away everyone was silent but Aphrodite walked up to him and slapped him across the face

"I never want to see you after this." Wyatt takes her away.

Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Where stories live. Discover now